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词汇 alive
adjective uk/əˈlaɪv/ us/əˈlaɪv/
B1 [ after verb ]活(着)的;在世的
living, not dead
alive and well She's alive and well and living in New Zealand. 她活得好好的,现住在新西兰。
keep someone alive Doctors kept him alive on a life-support machine. 医生使用生命维持机来维持他的生命。
stay alive The lost hikers were able to stay alive by finding shelter in a cave in the side of the mountain.
He must be 90 if he's still alive. 如果他还在世的话,肯定有90岁了。
C2 仍然存在的
If something is alive, it continues to exist.
keep something alive Relatives of the missing sailors are struggling to keep their hopes alive. 失踪水手的亲人们仍然苦守着他们能生还的希望。
  • She wept for joy when she was told that her husband was still alive.
  • He was the last person to see the woman alive, and suspicion immediately fell on him.
  • He could be kept alive artificially, but I think it would be kinder to let nature take its course.
  • If an avalanche strikes, skiers can be buried alive by snow.
  • She eats only the bare minimum to stay alive.
alive to somethingidiom UK 意识到,认识到;注意到
If you are alive to something, you are thinking about it or familiar with it.
I ski for the excitement, but I'm also always alive to the risks. 我滑雪是为了追求刺激,但是我也从没有忘记这项运动的风险。
alive with somethingidiom 充满,满是,到处都是(有生命的或活动的东西)
full of things that are living and moving
The pond was alive with frogs. 池塘里到处都是青蛙。
be alive and well/kickingidiom C2 好端端活着,活蹦乱跳
to continue to live or exist and be full of energy
She said she'd seen him last week and he was alive and kicking. 她说上周见过他,他还生龙活虎的。
C2 继续流行长盛不衰
to continue to be popular or successful
Despite rumours to the contrary, feminism is alive and well. 尽管听到的都是女权主义已经江河日下,但实际上它却依然盛行不衰。
Traditional jazz is still alive and kicking in New Orleans. 传统爵士乐在新奥尔良仍然非常流行。
come aliveidiom 地方)变得繁忙;热闹起来;活跃起来
If a place comes alive, it becomes filled with activity.
The city centre really comes alive at the weekend. 到了周末,市中心就变得十分热闹。
If you make something come alive, you make it seem real and interesting.
She's a writer who really knows how to make her characters come alive. 她是一位真正懂得如何把人物塑造得栩栩如生的作家。




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