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词汇 aid
noun uk/eɪd/ us/eɪd/
[ U ]帮助支持
help or support
He gets about with the aid of a walking stick. 他拄着拐杖到处走动。
She went to the aid of a man trapped in his car. 她去帮助一个困在车中的男子。
A woman in the street saw that he was in trouble and came to his aid. 街上的一位女士看到他遇上了麻烦,就过去帮他。
Synonyms: assistancehelp reliefsuccour support (HELP)
C1 [ C ]辅助物,辅助设施;辅助工具
a piece of equipment that helps you to do something
teaching aids, such as books and videos 书、录像等辅助教具
A thesaurus is a useful aid to writing. 同义词词典是写作的好助手。
C1 [ U ](向贫弱国家提供的食品、金钱、医疗物资、武器等)援助,救助
help in the form of food, money, medical supplies, or weapons that is given by a richer country to a poorer country
The Vatican has agreed to donate $80,000 in humanitarian/emergency aid to countries affected by the war. 罗马教廷已经同意向饱受战祸的国家捐赠8万美元人道主义援助/紧急援助款。
About a fifth of the country's income is in the form of foreign/overseas aid. 这个国家约1/5的收入靠国外/海外援助。
in aid of someone/something C1 UK 为帮助…,为救援…
in order to collect money for a group of people who need it
a concert in aid of famine relief 为救助饥民举办的音乐会
She brought a bag of toys for the annual sale in aid of St Andrew's Church.
The event was to raise money in aid of terrorist victims.
He promised to attend a garden show in aid of wounded war veterans.
Grace donated a painting to an exhibition in aid of the Medical Foundation.
  • The tunnel was dug with the aid of heavy machinery.
  • Foreign aid is badly needed to ameliorate the effects of the drought.
  • humanitarian aid
  • We need to look at the logistics of the whole aid operation.
  • Thousands of lives will be at stake if emergency aid does not arrive in the city soon.
what's something in aid of?idiom UK informal …有什么用?…是怎么回事儿?
said when you want to know the reason for something
What's all this shouting in aid of? 这大喊大叫的到底怎么回事儿?
verb [ T ] uk/eɪd/ us/eɪd/
C1 帮助援助
to help
Huge projects designed to aid poorer countries can sometimes do more harm than good. 旨在援助贫穷国家的庞大计划有时反而会弊大于利。
His excuse for drinking brandy is that it's said to aid digestion. 他给自己喝白兰地找的借口是,据说它有助于消化。
aid and abet someone law specialized or humorous 伙同…作案,与…同谋
to help someone to do something illegal or wrong
Three auditors were accused of aiding and abetting the men charged with fraud. 有人告发三名税务稽查员与那些被控诈骗的人同谋作案。
They were taken to jail and charged with aiding and abetting illegal immigration.
She pleaded guilty, admitting she had aided and abetted the bombing plot.
Farmers (aided and abetted by scientists) then started breeding tomatoes for transportability rather than taste.
The supporting actor stole the show, aided and abetted by his three child co-stars.
  • Discover how eating raw food helps balance your body and aids digestion.
  • Your donation will help aid flood victims.
  • Doctors hoped that moving to a warmer climate would aid his recovery.
  • Police arrested a number of people suspected of aiding the terrorists.
  • Fruit and vegetables contain acids that aid the absorption of calcium into the body.




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