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词汇 ahead of
ahead of
preposition uk/əˈhed ˌəv/ us/əˈhed ˌəv/
B1 (某人或某事)前面
in front of someone or something
Rick walked on ahead of us. 里克走在我们前面。
He could see that the road ahead of him was clear. 他看见自己前面的道路畅通无阻。
Just ahead of you, you'll see a bus stop. 你先走,我们在那儿碰头。
You go on ahead of (= before) me, and I'll meet you there. 你先走,我们在那儿会合。
B2 (在比赛或竞争中)领先,占优势
having more points, votes, etc. than someone else in a competition, election, etc.
Apparently, the latest opinion polls put the Democrats 15 percent ahead of the Republicans. 据最近的一次民意测验显示,民主党领先了共和党15个百分点。
C2 先进;超过,胜过
making more progress than someone else
Sophie is way (= far) ahead of the other children in her class. 索菲的成绩远远超过班上其他孩子。
B1 将来,未来,今后;在前面
in or into the future
She has a difficult time ahead of her. 以后她会面临一段艰难的日子。
  • I've got a busy week ahead of me.
  • The hardest part of the competition still lies ahead of us.
earlier than or before someone or something
This was one Olympic site that had been completed ahead of schedule (= before the time that was arranged). 这是一个已经提前完工的奥运场馆。
The agenda is circulated to householders one month ahead of the meeting. 议程会在会议召开前一个月分发给住户。
For most of the year London is five hours ahead of New York (= when it is 10 o'clock in London, it is 5 o'clock in New York). 一年中的大部分时间里,伦敦比纽约早五个小时。
  • He told his players that they needed to sort themselves out ahead of tomorrow's game against Chelsea.
get ahead of yourselfidiom 操之过急,(在没有准备的情况下)过早做…
to do something too early, or before you are ready or prepared
That last game suggests that we have been getting ahead of ourselves in praising the team's progress. 最后一场比赛表明,我们赞扬球队进步的话说得太早了。
She didn't want to get ahead of herself and risk losing what she had achieved so far. 她不想操之过急,以免失去目前所取得的成绩。




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