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词汇 agree
verb uk/əˈɡriː/ us/əˈɡriː/
A2 [ I or T ]持相同意见;赞成,赞同
to have the same opinion
Ann and I never seem to agree. 安和我好像从来都没有意见一致过。
agree with I agree with you on this issue. 在这个问题上我赞同你的意见。
agree about My father and I don't agree about very much. 在很多问题上,父亲和我意见都不一致。
agree on My father and I don't agree on very much.
[ + that ] I agree that he should be invited. 我同意邀请他。
[ + question word ] Experts seem unable to agree whether the drug is safe or not. 对于这种药物是否安全的问题,专家们好像没能达成一致意见。
[ + speech ] "You're absolutely right," agreed Jake. “你说的完全正确,”杰克赞同地说。
  • All those who agree please hold up their hand .
  • Getting both sides to agree was a notable achievement.
B1 [ I or T ]对…一致同意;对…达成协议;批准;认可
to decide something together
They agreed not to tell anyone about what had happened. 他们一致同意不把发生的事情告诉任何人。
We couldn't agree on what to buy. 我们无法就购买何种物品达成一致意见。
UK We finally agreed a deal. 我们最终达成了协议。
B2 [ I or T ](对建议或想法表示)同意,赞成,赞同
to accept a suggestion or idea
I suggested that we should meet, and they agreed (= said yes). 我建议我们见一面,他们也同意了。
[ + to infinitive ] The bank has agreed (= is willing) to lend me £5,000. 银行同意贷给我5000英镑。
  • She reluctantly agreed to step down as managing director.
  • The bank agreed to lend him $5000.
  • We finally agreed on the name Luca for our son.
C2 [ I ]一致,相符,相同;极相似
If two or more statements, ideas, sets of numbers, etc. agree, they are the same or very similar.
We have five accounts of what happened and none of them agree. 对于所发生的事情我们手头有5种各不相同的说法。
[ I ] language specialized(在语法上的数、性等方面)呼应,一致
When two words agree, or one word agrees with another word, they have the same grammatical form. For example, the words may both be singular or plural, masculine or feminine, etc.
agree to differidiom (also agree to disagree) 同意各自保留不同意见
to accept that you have different opinions from another person about a particular thing, and stop trying to persuade each other that you are right
Her parents are Republicans, and they have agreed to differ with their daughter.
There are areas where we will simply have to agree to disagree.
couldn't agree more/lessidiom 完全同意/不同意
If you say you couldn't agree more/less, you mean you completely agree/disagree.
not agree with someoneidiom 饮食)不对…的胃口,使…难受
If a type of food or drink does not agree with you, it makes you feel slightly ill.
Those onions I ate didn't agree with me. 吃了那些洋葱,我胃里很不舒服。
Phrasal verbs
agree to something 应允,答应,同意
to accept something
Both sides in the conflict have agreed to the terms of the peace treaty. 冲突双方都同意接受和平协议的条件。
agree with somethingB2 认为…符合道义
to think that something is morally acceptable
I don't agree with hunting. 我认为狩猎行为不人道。
agree with someone (情况、环境等)适合…,与…相宜,对…有益
If a situation or new conditions agree with you, they make you feel healthy and happy.
You look well - the mountain air must agree with you. 你气色真好,山里的空气一定非常适合你。




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