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词汇 against
preposition uk/əˈɡenst/ /əˈɡeɪnst/ us/əˈɡenst/
A2 反对;与…相反
disagreeing with a plan or activity
She spoke against the decision to close the college. 她声言反对关闭学院的决定。
50 people voted against the new proposal. 50人投票反对这一新提案。
I'm very much against the idea that it is the woman's job to bring up the child. 对于抚养孩子是女人的活儿这一想法,我坚决反对。
Germany are playing against Brazil in the cup final tonight. 德国队在今晚的决赛中对阵巴西队。
She's always rebelled against authority. 她总是对抗权威。
She sold the house even though it was against his wishes. 她卖掉了房子,尽管这违背了他的愿望。
They called a demonstration to protest against proposed job cuts. 他们召集了示威游行来抗议削减工作机会的提议。
Are you for or against my proposal? 你赞成还是反对我的提议?
Sanctions against the country should be lifted. 应该取消对这个国家的制裁。
Stricter controls will help in the fight against inflation. 更加严厉的调控措施将有助于抑制通货膨胀。
Criminal charges will be brought against the driver. 将对司机提起刑事诉讼。
They decided not to take legal action against him. 他们决定不起诉他。
They were up against a powerful pressure group. 他们面临一个强大的压力集团。
We came up against a lot of problems in the course of building our extension. 我们在扩建过程中遇到好多问题。
The chances/odds against you winning such a competition are enormous. 你赢得这样一场比赛的可能性极小。
It's against the law (= illegal) to leave children under a certain age alone in the house. 将某个年龄以下的孩子单独留在家里是违法的。
It's against my beliefs/principles to be nice to someone I dislike just because they're in a senior position. 对于我厌恶的人,我不会仅仅因为他比我职位高就对其和颜悦色,这有违我的处世原则。
Against all probability (= although it was extremely unlikely) we found ourselves in the same hotel. 不可思议的是,我们发现自己竟然住进了同一家旅馆。
I wouldn't dare say anything against him (= criticize him) to his mother! 我不敢对他妈妈说他的坏话!
have something against someoneC1 因(某种原因)不喜欢某人
If you have something against someone, you dislike them for a reason.
I've nothing against him - I just don't have much in common with him. 我一点都不讨厌他,只是和他没有太多相似之处。
She's a great singer. I don't know what Elton 's got against her.
I don't have anything against the police, but I expected them to do more.
I wish she would tell me to my face what she has against me.
They attacked his house repeatedly, but he never found out what they had against him.
count/go/work against someone 对…不利
If something counts/goes/works against you, it gives you a disadvantage.
Lack of experience will generally count against you in an interview. 一般而言,缺乏工作经验会成为面试的不利因素。
Some of the referee's decisions went against us in that game.
He believes that several of the organization's procedures worked against him.
When applying for jobs, she eventually realized that her experience in other fields was working against her.
School staff knew that high truancy rates would count against them.
  • The case against her was circumstantial.
  • The court issued a contempt citation against city council members who refused to comply with a court order.
  • She brought a civil action against her former employer.
  • His doctor advised him against smoking.
  • I'd strongly advise against making a sudden decision.
A2 紧贴着;紧靠着;倚在
next to and touching or being supported by (something)
Why don't we put the bed against the wall? 为什么不把床紧靠墙放呢?
He loved the feel of her soft hair against his skin. 他喜欢她那柔滑的头发贴着他的肌肤的感觉。
The rain beat against her face as she struggled through the wind. 她在风雨中艰难行进,雨水打在她的脸上。
The police officer had him up against the wall, both arms behind his back. 警察把他双手别在身后按到墙上。
She leaned against the door. 她倚着门。
in front of or compared to
Paintings look best against a simple white wall. 画挂在没有任何装饰的白墙上看上去效果最好。
  • The dog cocked its leg against a tree.
  • I've got a bruise where I hit my leg against the corner of the table.
  • The room was packed and we were crammed against the door.
  • We could hear waves crashing on/against the shore.
  • She sank back against the cushions.
B1 逆…的方向;迎着
in the opposite direction to
The last part of the course was hard because I was running against the wind. 最后一段赛程很艰难,因为我是顶风跑。
Commuting is not so bad when you are travelling against the traffic. 如果你是逆着主车流而行,乘车上下班倒也不错。
as a protection or defence from the bad effects of
We've insured the car against fire, theft, and accident. 我们给车上了火灾险、窃盗险和交通事故险。
The police have to arm themselves against attack. 警察必须得配备武器以防受到攻击。
  • The circuitry in this fighter aircraft has been protected against strong magnetic fields.
  • As a student you're cocooned against the real world.
  • The Chancellor's countermeasures against inflation have been completely ineffective.
  • Does your travel insurance cover you against the loss or theft of cash?
  • White blood cells help defend the body against infection.
against time/the clockidiom (为了如期完成而)争分夺秒,加快工作,抢时间
If you do something against time/the clock, you do it as fast as possible and try to finish it before a certain time.
It was a real race against time to get all the costumes sewn for the play. 赶制演出的戏装真是如同与时间赛跑一样。
as againstidiom 与…比较;与…相对照
compared to
He earns $80,000 a year, as against my $40,000. 他年薪8万美元,而我的年薪是4万美元。
be up against itidiom informal 陷入(或面临)困境
to be having or likely to have serious problems or difficulties
With seven members of the team missing, Hull are going to be up against it. 缺了7名队员,赫尔城队形势严峻。
Many families are up against it, unable to afford even basic items. 很多家庭陷入困境,连基本生活用品都买不起。




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