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词汇 after
preposition uk/ˈɑːf.tər/ us/ˈæf.tɚ/
A1 (时间、地点或顺序)在…之后;(一个)接着(一个)
following in time, place, or order
Let's go for a walk after breakfast. 我们吃过早饭去散步吧。
life after death Some people believe in life after death. 一些人相信死后灵魂依然存在。
Her name came after mine on the list. 名单上她的名字排在我后面。
the day after tomorrow There's a good film on the day after tomorrow. 后天有一部不错的电影。
well after She waited until well after midnight. 她一直等到后半夜很晚的时候。
soon after She went back to work soon after the birth.
a quarter after US It's a quarter after four. 4点1刻了。
day after day She just keeps on working, day after day (= continuously).
week after week She just keeps on working, week after week (= continuously).
We've had meeting after meeting (= many meetings) to discuss this point. 我们一次又一次地开会讨论这个问题。
Jessie seemed very small after (= in comparison with) Michael's children. 与迈克尔的孩子们比起来,杰西显得很矮小。
The children have to learn to tidy up after themselves (= after they have made things untidy). 孩子们必须意识到,自己弄乱了东西,就得自己收拾整齐。
She slammed the door after (= behind) her. 她随手砰地关上了门。
We ran after (= followed) him, but he escaped. 我们去追他,但是他逃脱了。
Could you lock up after you (= when you leave), please? 请你离开时锁好门好吗?
be after someone/something informal 寻找;追求;追捕
to be looking for someone or something or trying to find or get them or it
The police are after him. 警察正在追捕他。
UK I'm after a tie to go with this shirt. 我要找一条和这件衬衫相配的领带。
I'm sure she's after my husband. 我敢肯定她在打我丈夫的主意。
He's after Jane's job (= wants it for himself). 他想抢简的工作。
Being a movie star has been difficult and isn't really what I was after.
This is a great shop if what you're after is a gift that she will truly treasure.
after you (用于让别人先走或先用饮食)你先请
used to say politely that someone can go ahead of you or do something before you
"Can I pour you some coffee?" "Oh no, after you." “我给你倒点咖啡吧?”“噢,不用,你先来吧。”
Let's go to our table now. Please, after you.
"Do you want to sign the card?" "Yes, please, but after you."
"Did you want to say something?" "No, no, after you."
After you, Elizabeth. I can see you're in a hurry.
  • I'll meet you down at the club after work.
  • The boat sank almost immediately after it had struck the rock.
  • She was amazed at how calm she felt after the accident.
  • Apply the sun cream liberally to exposed areas every three hours and after swimming.
  • If we turn left at the next junction, we should hit the main road after five miles or so.
typical of or similar to the style of
a painting after Titian 一幅模仿提香的画作
a concerto after Mozart 模仿莫扎特风格的协奏曲
C2 依照…命名
used when giving someone or something the same name as another person or thing
He was named Mark after his grandfather. 他以祖父的名字命名为马克。
after allidiom C1 终究
despite earlier problems or doubts
The rain has stopped, so the game will go ahead after all. 雨已经停了,所以比赛还会继续下去。
B1 毕竟
used to add information that shows that what you have just said is true
I do like her - after all, she is my sister. 我当然喜欢她,毕竟她是我姐姐呀。
adverb uk/ˈɑːf.tər/ us/ˈæf.tɚ/
A2 以后,后来;向后;在后面
later than someone or something else
soon after Hilary got here at midday and Nick arrived soon after. 希拉里中午到了这儿,随后不久尼克也到了。
I can't go next week - how about the week after (= the following week)? 下星期我去不了,下下星期怎么样?
not standard She got back at 4.30 and went to see Emilie after (= after she got back). 她4点半回来的,随后就去看望埃米莉了。
Synonym: afterwards
  • He collapsed at work and died soon after.
  • After nine years in Cambridge, Susannah and Guy moved to Watlington, where they lived happily ever after.
  • Let's feed the kids first and have our dinner after.
  • You have a good cry and you'll feel better after.
  • Mary left the company and I found another job shortly after.
conjunction uk/ˈɑːf.tər/ us/ˈæf.tɚ/
B1 在…之后
at a time that is later than another event
Three months after they moved out, the house was still empty. 他们搬出去3个月了,这座房子仍然空着。
soon after He was captured in 1940 soon after the fighting began.
shortly after Shortly after we set off, the car started to make a strange noise. 我们出发不久,车子就发出奇怪的噪音。
immediately after I went to the post office immediately after I left you.
  • Soon after we set off, Molly said she felt sick.
  • He bought a train ticket immediately after talking to her.
  • I'm going home straight after netball practice.
  • Soon after moving to London, she got a new job.
  • A year after leaving his job, he is still unemployed.
prefix uk/ɑːf.tər-/ us/æf.tɚ-/
coming after
an after-dinner speech 宴会后的讲话
an after-hours club 深夜营业的夜总会
after-sales service 售后服务




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