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词汇 wind
wind 1
n.1. 风
A cold wind blew from northwest.冷风从西北方向吹来。
2. 呼吸
He couldn't get his wind.他喘不过气来。
3. 胃中的气;肠气4. (总称)管乐器
music for strings and for wind管弦乐
break wind排气;放屁
put the wind up(使)害怕;(使)吓一跳 (= get the wind up)
(sail) close to the wind近于不老实;行为不检点
second wind呼吸恢复正常状态
vt.winded, winding使喘不过气来
The blow winded me.那一击使我喘不过气来。
wind 2
vi., vt.wound, winding1. 蜿蜒前进
The path winds through the woods.这条路蜿蜒穿过树林。
2. 转动;摇转
to wind the handle转动把手
3. 把…上紧;把…拧紧
to wind a clock给表上紧发条
wind down1. 松开(发条)2. 使放松下来3. 把(汽车玻璃)摇下
wind off解开,松开
wind up1. 终止,结束
to wind up a company结束公司的业务
2. 使自己处于(某种状态或某个地方)
He wound up drunk.他不知不觉醉了。
3. 极度兴奋4. 调紧琴弦5. 上紧发条
n.1. 蜿 蜒,弯曲2. 转,转动




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