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词汇 add
verb [ I or T ] uk/æd/ us/æd/
A2 加,相法
to put two or more numbers or amounts together to get a total
add in It's $45 - $50 if you add in the cost of postage. 45美元——加上邮资共50美元。
add on Don't forget to add on your travelling expenses.
We'll keep a running subtotal and add the tax on at the end.
If you add (= calculate the total of) three and four you get seven. 3加4等于7。
A2 增加添加
to put something with something else to increase the number or amount or to improve the whole
add something to something She's added a Picasso to her collection. 她的收藏中增添了一件毕加索的画作。
Beat the butter and sugar together and slowly add the eggs. 把黄油和糖搅拌在一起,再慢慢把鸡蛋打进去。
add to Her colleagues' laughter only added to her embarrassment. 她的同事们笑了起来,这使她更加难堪了。
B1 补充说;继续说
to say another thing
[ + that ] She was sad, she said, but added (= said also) that she felt she had made the right decision. 她说她很伤心,但是接着又说她觉得自己作出的决定是正确的。
[ + speech ] "Oh, and thank you for all your help!" he added as he was leaving. “噢,多谢你的帮助!”他在离开时补充道。
  • First, fry the garlic. Next, add the ginger.
  • You have to add the cost of postage to the subtotal.
  • If you add the plural inflection '-s' to 'dog' you get 'dogs'.
  • Two of the cathedral's chapels were added later - the Lady Chapel and the Chapel of St Paul.
  • Have you anything further to add to the discussion?
not add upidiom informal 说不通,不合情理
If a situation does not add up, there is no reasonable or likely explanation for it.
Why would she disappear the day before her holiday? It just doesn't add up. 她为什么会在假期的前一天不见踪影了呢?这不合情理呀。
to add insult to injuryidiom C2 雪上加霜往伤口上撒盐
said when you feel that someone has made a bad situation worse by doing something else to upset you
They told me I was too old for the job, and then to add insult to injury, they refused to pay my expenses! 他们说我太老了,做不了这个工作。更让人受不了的是,他们还拒绝支付我的费用!
Phrasal verbs
add on something mainly US (also add on to sth)增加添加扩建
to include or build something extra
We’ve added on a couple of rooms to the house. 我们扩建了这座房子,增加了两个房间。
You will need a different kind of building permit if you are adding on to the existing structure.
It was an old house that had been added on to.
We'll add on a second bathroom as soon as we have the money.
add (something) upB1 (把…)加起来,求(…的)
to calculate the total of two or more numbers
If you add those four figures up, it comes to over £1,500. 这4个数字加起来总额超过1,500英镑。
She added the bill up. 她合计了一下账单。
UK I'm not very good at adding up! 我不大擅长加法!
add up to something 总共是;合计为
to become a particular amount
The various building programmes add up to several thousand new homes. 各项住宅建设计划总共将为人们提供几千套新住房。
We thought we'd bought lots of food, but it didn't add up to much when we'd spread it out on the table. 我们还觉得自己买了不少吃的东西呢,可一摆到饭桌上,还真是没有多少。
to have a particular result or effect
It all added up to a lot of hard work for all of us. 结果这给我们所有人都添了一大堆工作。
Their proposals do not add up to any real help for the poor. 他们的建议没给穷人带来任何实质性帮助。
noun [ U ] old-fashioned uk/ˌeɪ.diːˈdiː/ us/ˌeɪ.diːˈdiː/
(尤指儿童的)注意力缺乏症(Attention Deficit Disorder的缩写)
abbreviation for Attention Deficit Disorder: a name used mainly in the 1980s for a condition in which someone, especially a child, is often in a state of activity or excitement and unable to direct their attention towards what they are doing
A person with ADHD, previously known as ADD (attention-deficit disorder), has trouble focusing on activities, organizing and finishing tasks, and following instructions.
She said her child's teacher thought he might have ADD.
Synonym: ADHD
  • Millions of children are now medicated for brain-related learning disorders such as ADD.
  • His advice has helped countless sufferers of Attention-Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD), formerly known as Attention-Deficit Disorder (ADD).




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