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词汇 action
noun uk/ˈæk.ʃən/ us/ˈæk.ʃən/
B2 [ U ](尤指应对问题或困难的)行动行动过程行为
the process of doing something, especially when dealing with a problem or difficulty
This problem calls for swift/prompt action from the government. 这一问题需要政府马上采取行动。
[ + to infinitive ] Action to prevent the spread of the disease is high on the government's agenda. 采取行动防止疾病蔓延是政府的当务之急。
plan of action So what's the plan of action? (= What are we going to do?) 那么行动计划是什么?
swing into action The complaints system swings into action (= starts to work) as soon as a claim is made. 一旦有人提出索赔,马上启动投诉处理系统。
take action We must take action (= do something) to deal with the problem before it spreads to other areas. 在这一问题蔓延到其他地区之前我们一定要采取行动将其解决。
The committee was spurred into action (= encouraged to do something) by the threat of government cuts. 政府威胁要削减经费,这促使委员会采取了行动。
  • The government is supporting military action.
  • The richer countries of the world must take action to help the poorer countries.
  • I hope these arguments have convinced you of the need for action.
  • The army are said to be ready for action.
  • It is clear that most women supported this action, from the results of the opinion poll.
B2 [ C ]行为作为所做之事
something that you do
She has to accept the consequences of her actions. 她必须对自己行为的后果负责。
I asked him to explain his actions. 我要求他为自己的所作所为作出解释。
C2 [ C ]身体的动作
a physical movement
I'll say the words and you can mime the actions. 我会说出这些词,你可以做动作把它们的意思表达出来。
It only needs a small wrist action (= movement of the wrist) to start the process. 只需动一动手腕,程序就启动了。
  • She wrote an angry letter to the paper complaining about the council's action.
  • The four soldiers received medals for their brave actions.
  • The defendant was depressed and therefore not fully responsible for her own actions.
  • We will not allow the violent actions of terrorists to change our way of life.
  • I'm sorry I punched him - it was a reflex action.
B1 [ U ]发生的事情;(尤指)令人激动的事或大事
things that are happening, especially exciting or important things
I like movies with a lot of action. 我喜欢情节紧凑的影片。
In her last novel, the action (= the main events) moves between Greece and southern Spain. 在她最近发表的那本小说里,故事情节在希腊和西班牙南部交替展开。
where the action is 大事(或趣事)发生的地方
at the place where something important or interesting is happening
A journalist has to be where the action is. 记者必须要身临事件的现场。
I want to work in renewable energy. That's where the action is these days.
My cousin lives in Paris. He can tell us where the action is.
  • The movie provides plenty of thrilling action while delivering a political message.
  • At various points in the play, the action tips from comedy into farce.
  • Her latest film is the staple offering of action and comedy which we have come to expect.
  • I never expected to be involved in the action genre where I'd be dodging explosions and jumping out of speeding cars.
  • She landed a part in a multi-million pound action thriller and made the Hollywood A list.
[ S ](一物对另一物所起的)作用
the effect something has on another thing
They recorded the action of the drug on the nervous system. 他们记录下了这种药物对神经系统的作用。
  • Accumulations of sand can be formed by the action of waves on coastal beaches.
  • The action of market forces means that the cost of something rises if demand for it rises and the amount available remains constant.
  • His many years of research made him an expert on the action of snake venom.
  • The distinctive landscape has been formed by the action of running water on the limestone.
  • The project will study the action of various drugs on the human body.
C2 [ U ]战斗;作战
fighting in a war
see action He saw action in the trenches. 他参加了堑壕战。
Her younger son was killed in action. 她的小儿子在战斗中阵亡。
C2 [ U or C ]运作;功能
the way something moves or works
We studied the action of the digestive system. 我们研究了消化系统的机能。
The car has a very smooth braking action. 这辆轿车刹车性能很平稳。
C1 [ C or U ] law specialized诉讼;起诉
a legal process that is decided in a law court
bring an action She brought an action (for negligence) against the hospital. 她起诉医院(玩忽职守)。
The book was halted in South Africa by a threat of legal action. 因为遭到起诉的威胁,该书在南非停止发行。
a libel action 诽谤诉讼
A criminal action was brought against him. 他被提起刑事诉讼。
actions speak louder than wordsidiom saying 事实胜于雄辩。
said to emphasize that what you do is more important and shows your intentions and feelings more clearly than what you say
out of actionidiom C1 出故障失灵停止运转
If a machine or vehicle is out of action, it is not working or cannot be used.
I'm afraid the TV's out of action. 恐怕电视机坏了。
Nearly 80,000 vehicles have been taken out of action by the explosion at the storage depot.
C1 因病倒或受伤不能正常活动
If a person is out of action, they are injured or ill and cannot do things they usually do.
Jackson's torn ligaments will keep him out of action for the rest of the season. 杰克逊韧带拉伤,这个赛季剩余的比赛他都不能参加了。
a man/woman of actionidiom 实干家行动派
someone who prefers to do things rather than think about and discuss them
He was a man of action who believed that to achieve things in life you had to be prepared to fight for them.
Her husband is a man of ideas while she is a practical doctor, a woman of action.
a piece/slice of the actionidiom informal 参与或插手(他人成功之事);分一杯羹
involvement in something successful that someone else has started
Now research has proved that the drug is effective, everyone wants a slice of the action. 目前研究证明这种药的确有效,所以大家都想趁机分一杯羹。
verb [ T usually passive ] uk/ˈæk.ʃən/ us/ˈæk.ʃən/
to do something to deal with a particular problem or matter
I'll just run through the minutes of the last meeting, raising those points that still have to be actioned. 下面我将扼要重述一下上次会议的记录,把亟待处理的问题提出来。




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