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词汇 act
verb uk/ækt/ us/ækt/
[ I ]行为,行事;举止,表现
to behave in the stated way
act like Don't be so silly - you're acting like a child! 别冒傻气了——你的行为简直就像个孩子!
He acted as if he'd never met me before. 他摆出一副好像以前从没见过我的样子。
  • When he saw the crash, the young boy acted very responsibly and called the police.
  • Try to act confidently, even if you feel nervous.
B2 [ I ]做事采取行动
to do something for a particular purpose or to solve a problem
[ + to infinitive ] Engineers acted quickly to repair the damaged pipes. 工程师们马上采取行动维修损坏的管道。
act for Who is acting for the defendant? 谁是被告的代理律师?
act on behalf of The agent was acting on behalf of (= representing) her client, a Broadway actress.
She acted without thinking. 她不加思索就采取了行动。
  • You'll have to act fast or you will lose your chance.
  • It's very important to act now before the problem gets really serious.
  • The court decided that the companies acted illegally.
  • Despite what you think, I'm only acting in your best interests .
[ I ]起作用,见效
to have an effect
The anaesthetic acted quickly. 麻醉剂很快起了作用。
B1 [ I or T ]演出;扮演,饰演
to perform a part in a film, play, etc.
Ellis Pike was chosen to act the part of the lawyer in the film. 埃利斯•帕克被选中在影片中扮演律师这一角色。
Have you ever acted in a play before? 你以前演过戏剧吗?
act the fool, martyr, etc. (通常指装腔作势地)装傻(作出一副假圣人的样子等)
to behave in a particular, usually bad, way
Why are you always acting the fool? 你为什么老装傻?
It's silly to act the martyr - just ask someone to help you!
Her teachers say she acts the fool to get attention.
He seems to enjoy acting the buffoon.
They've behaved badly for years and now they're acting the victim.
  • The whole play was appallingly acted.
Phrasal verbs
act as somethingB2 (尤指临时)担当,担任,充任
to do a particular job, especially one that you do not normally do
He was asked to act as an adviser on the project. 他被请去担任那个项目的顾问。
to have a particular effect
Some people say that capital punishment acts as a deterrent. 一些人认为死刑有威慑作用。
act out US(因为不满或痛苦而)发泄或行为不当
to behave badly because you are unhappy or upset, often in ways that you are not aware of
These kids act out because their lives are a mess. 这些孩子行为不当是因为他们的生活一团糟。
act something out 把…表演出来
to perform the actions and say the words of a situation or story
The children acted out their favourite poem. 孩子们把他们最喜爱的诗歌表演出来。
to express your thoughts, emotions, or ideas in your actions
Children's negative feelings often get acted out in bad behaviour. 儿童的消极情绪常会通过不良行为表现出来。
act up (尤指孩子)捣乱,表现不好
If a person, especially a child, acts up, they behave badly.
Sophie got bored and started acting up. 苏菲感到没意思,就开始调皮捣蛋起来。
If a machine or part of the body acts up, it does not perform as well as it should.
My car always acts up in cold weather. 天冷时,我的车老出故障。
Her shoulder was acting up (= hurting because of injury). 她的肩伤发作。
noun uk/ækt/ us/ækt/
B2 [ C ]行为作为所做之事
something that you do
an act of aggression/bravery/madness/terrorism 侵略行为/勇敢的行为/疯狂的举动/恐怖主义行径
simple act The simple act of telling someone about a problem can help. 就算是仅仅将问题对他人倾吐也会对自己起到帮助。
a kind/thoughtless/selfish act 善举/轻率的举动/自私的行为
artistic representations of the sexual act 性行为的艺术体现
  • His murder was an outrageous and barbarous act.
  • The word 'flight' has two different meanings: a plane journey, and the act of running away.
  • The law specifically forbids acts of this kind.
  • The George Cross is awarded to British civilians for acts of great bravery.
  • It was an act of extraordinary irresponsibility to leave someone who wasn't properly trained in charge of the machine.
C2 [ S ]装模作样;装腔作势;假装
behaviour that hides your real feelings or intentions
Was she really upset or was that just an act? 她是真的难过还是只装装样子?
[ C ]表演者(或表演组合);一段表演
a person or group that performs a short piece in a show, or the piece that they perform.
a comedy/juggling/trapeze act 一段喜剧/杂耍/高空秋千表演节目
Our next act is a very talented young musician. 表演下一个节目的是一位才华横溢的年轻音乐家。
B1 [ C ](戏剧或歌剧的)
a part of a play or opera
Shakespeare's plays were written in five acts. 莎士比亚的戏剧是按五幕剧格式创作的。
The hero does not enter until the second act/Act Two. 男主角直到第二幕才出场。
  • The main characters are offstage for most of the second act.
  • The best part of his stage act was a brilliant Elvis Presley impression.
  • I saw the worst comedy act I've ever seen last night - it was absolutely dreadful!
  • He put on an act of bravery, but I know that he was absolutely terrified.
  • They may seem to be very polite and friendly, but it's only an act.
[ C ] law specialized法案;法令
a law or formal decision made by a parliament or other group of people who make the laws for their country
an Act of Parliament 议会法案
the Betting and Gaming Act 《赌博法》
Almost two hundred suspects were detained in the UK last year under the Prevention of Terrorism Act. 根据《防止恐怖主义法》,去年英国有将近200名嫌疑人被拘留。
The state legislature passed an act banning the sale of automatic weapons. 州议会通过了一项禁止销售自动武器的法令。
be a hard/tough act to followidiom informal 很难超越难以企及无法媲美
to be so good that it is not likely that anyone or anything that comes after will be as good
His presidency was very successful - it'll be a hard act to follow. 他的总统生涯成就辉煌,这让其继任者难望其项背。
do a disappearing/vanishing actidiom (通常指因为不想做某事或躲避某人而)溜走,隐藏踪迹
to go away, usually because you do not want to do something or meet someone
Tina always does a vanishing act when my mother comes to stay. 我妈一到这儿来住,蒂娜就溜之大吉。
get your act togetheridiom informalC2 有条理地行事合理安排
to start to organize yourself so that you do things in an effective way
She's so disorganized - I wish she'd get her act together. 她做事很没有条理——我希望她能够做到有条不紊。
get/muscle in on the actidiom informal 前来分一杯羹;(为获利)参与,插一手
to take advantage of something that someone else started
We did all the hard work of setting up the company, and now everyone wants to get in on the act. 我们千辛万苦创立了公司,现在谁都想来分一杯羹。
put on an actidiom informal 装模作样;装腔作势;做戏
to behave or speak in a false or artificial way
He's just putting on an act for the boss's benefit. 他做戏只是为了给老板看。




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