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词汇 account
noun uk/əˈkaʊnt/ us/əˈkaʊnt/
B1 [ C ] (also bank account)账户,户头
an arrangement with a bank to keep your money there and to allow you to take it out when you need to
close an account I withdrew my money and asked the bank to close my account.
open an account I've opened an account with a building society . 我在房屋互助协会开了个账户。
I paid the money into my account this morning. 今天上午我把钱存入了我的账户。
UK She paid the cheque into her account. 她把支票存入了账户。
US She deposited the check in/into her account. 她把支票存入了账户。
I need to withdraw some money from my account. 我得从我的账户上取出一些钱来。
  • I was relieved to see from my statement that my account was in credit.
  • I closed that bank account when I came to London.
  • The account was in debit at the end of the month.
  • To open an account, you need to make a minimum deposit of $500.
  • Alison drew some money out of her account to pay for our trip.
B2 [ C ]报道;报告;记述;描述
a written or spoken description or record of an event
give an account of She gave a thrilling account of her life in the jungle. 她把自己在丛林中生活的经历描述得惊险刺激。
keep an account of He kept a detailed account of the suspect's movements. 他详细记录了犯罪嫌疑人的一举一动。
Several eyewitnesses' accounts differed considerably from the official version of events. 几个目击者对于事件的叙述和官方的说法有很大出入。
by/from all accountsC1 根据各方面所说;据说;大家都说
as said by most people
By all accounts, San Francisco is a city that's easy to fall in love with. 人人都说旧金山是个很容易令人倾心的城市。
His books, from all accounts, are extremely entertaining.
By all accounts, the results of this election will be very close.
She was, by all accounts, a gifted and popular teacher.
From all accounts, their relationship was a happy one.
by your own account 据…自己所说
If something is true by your own account, what you say is true although you have not proved it.
By his own account, he's quite wealthy. 他自称很富有。
She married someone who, by her own account, wasn't very kind to her.
According to colleagues and by his own account, Morris was devastated by the failure of the business.
  • She gave a clear, factual account of the attack.
  • The book is a work of fiction and not intended as a historical account.
  • The foregoing account was written 50 years after the incident.
  • She gave a hair-raising account of her escape through the desert.
  • She gave a clear and lucid account of her plans for the company's future.
on account of something formalB2 由于,因为
because of something
He doesn't drink alcohol on account of his poor health. 出于健康原因,他不喝酒。
Organizers were forced to cancel the event on account of the extremely hot weather.
She was chosen as commencement speaker on account of the fact that she was an alumna of the school.
Dinner was somewhat delayed on account of David's rather tardy arrival.
[ C ]赊销账;赊欠账;赊购
an agreement with a shop or business that allows you to buy things and pay for them later
Could you put it on/charge it to my account (= can I pay for it later), please? 把这笔钱记在我的(赊购)账上好吗?
Do you have an account at this store/with us, madam? 女士,你在我们商店有赊购账户吗?
settle an account Could you please settle your account in full (= give us all the money you owe us)? 您可以把赊的账全结清吗?
[ C ]客户;主顾
a customer who does business with a company
If the advertising agency loses this account, it will make a big dent in their profits. 如果该广告公司丢掉了这个客户,他们的利润就会锐减。
be of no/little account formal 不重要无足轻重
to not be important
It's of no account to me whether he comes or not. 他来不来对我来说都无关紧要。
His opinion is of little account to me. 对我来说,他的意见无足轻重。
As I stood there, I felt that my previous life had been of no account.
It is of no account whether the documents belong to him.
He knew his father would be angry, but it was of little account.
be brought/called to accountidiom mainly UK 被责令(对…)作出解释;受到追究
to be forced to explain something you did wrong, and usually to be punished
We must ensure that the people responsible for the violence are brought to account. 我们一定要将那些肇事暴徒绳之以法。
on someone's accountidiom 为了…的缘故
If something is said to be on someone's or something's account, it is because of that person or thing.
I'm not very hungry, so please don't cook on my account (= don't cook just for me). 我不是太饿,所以请不要特意为我做饭。
They were tired, but not any less enthusiastic on that account. 他们很累,但是他们的热情并没有因此而减弱。
on no accountidiom C2 决不,绝对不;切莫
If something must on no account/not on any account be done, it must not be done at any time or for any reason.
Employees must on no account make personal phone calls from the office. 员工无论如何不能因为私事使用办公室电话。
These records must not on any account be changed. 这些记录无论如何都不能改动。
take something into accountidiom (also take account of something)B2 考虑到;顾及
to consider or remember something when judging a situation
I hope my teacher will take into account the fact that I was ill just before the exams when she marks my paper. 我希望老师在阅卷时,能够考虑到我恰好在考试前生病这个情况。
A good architect takes into account the building's surroundings. 一位好的建筑师会考虑到建筑物的周边环境。
The UK's tax system takes no account of children. 英国的纳税制度没有把儿童考虑在内。
I think you have to take into account that he's a good deal younger than the rest of us. 我认为你得考虑到他比我们其他人都要年轻得多。
turn/use something to good accountidiom UK formal 充分利用;有效发挥
to use your skills and abilities to produce good results
I think we'd all agree that you turned your negotiating skills to very good account in this afternoon's meeting. 我想我们都得承认,今天下午的会议上,你把你的谈判才能发挥得淋漓尽致。
verb [ T + obj + noun/adj ] formal uk/əˈkaʊnt/ us/əˈkaʊnt/
to think of someone or something in the stated way
She was accounted a genius by all who knew her work. 所有知道她作品的人都认为她是个天才。
Synonym: judge
there's no accounting for tasteidiom saying 人的爱憎好恶是无法解释的
said when it is difficult to explain why different people like different things, especially things that you do not like
"I love working at weekends." "Well, there's no accounting for taste!" “我喜欢在周末工作。”“嗯,真是萝卜青菜,各有所爱!”
Phrasal verbs
account (to someone) for somethingC2 (对某人)就…作出解释;(对某人)就…作出说明
to explain the reason for something or the cause of something
Can you account for your absence last Friday? 你能解释一下上周五你为什么缺勤吗?
She was unable to account for over $5,000 (= she could not explain where the money was). 她无法对5000多美元的去向作出解释。
He has to account to his manager for (= tell his manager about and explain) all his movements. 他不得不向经理交代清楚他的一切行动。
account for something (在数量上)
to form the total of something
Students account for the vast majority of our customers. 我们的顾客绝大多数是学生。




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