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词汇 accord
noun [ C or U ] uk/əˈkɔːd/ us/əˈkɔːrd/
(a formal) agreement
peace accord On 31 May the two leaders signed a peace accord. 5月31日两位领导人签署了一项和平协议。
in accord with The project is completely in accord with government policy. 该项目完全符合政府政策。
A vague murmur of accord rose from around the table.
UK Before 1987, the accord between the Labour government and the unions was a simple affair. 1987年以前,工党政府和工会之间很容易达成一致。
Synonyms: agreement (SAME OPINION)compact (AGREEMENT) concordat covenant pacttreaty
of your own accordC2 出于自愿,主动地
If you do something of your own accord, you do it without being asked to do it.
She came of her own accord. No one asked her to come. 她自愿来的,没有人让她来。
All the demonstrators took part of their own accord.
Did you sign the contract of your own accord?
with one accord formal 一致地一致同意地
If people do something with one accord, they do it together and in complete agreement.
With one accord, the delegates walked out of the conference. 所有代表一致退出会议。
"Let him in!" they shouted with one accord.
On hearing him arrive, we ran with one accord to greet him.
They fell to their knees with one accord and began to pray.
With one accord, the riders drew to a halt.
  • An international accord banning land mines was signed in Canada last month.
  • The accord ended nearly two decades of civil war in the region.
  • Ministers from 20 countries approved an accord to cooperate in the fight against terrorism.
  • Diplomats worked through the night in an attempt to forge an accord that would resolve the crisis.
verb [ T ] formal uk/əˈkɔːd/ us/əˈkɔːrd/
to treat someone specially, usually by showing respect
[ + two objects ] The massed crowds of supporters accorded him a hero's welcome. 蜂拥云集的支持者们给予他英雄般的欢迎。
be accorded to Certainly in our society teachers don't enjoy the respect that is accorded to doctors and lawyers. 的确,在我们这个社会中,老师没有得到像医生和律师所受到的那种尊敬。
Phrasal verb
accord with something 与…符合;与…一致
to be the same as something, or to agree with something
His version of events does not accord with witnesses' statements. 他对事件的说法和目击者们的陈述不一致。




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