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词汇 absolutely
adverb uk/ˌæb.səˈluː us/ˌæb.səˈluː
B1 完全地绝对地
I believed/trusted him absolutely. 我绝对相信/信任他。
You must be absolutely silent or the birds won't appear. 你必须绝对安静,不然鸟儿就不会飞出来。
We've achieved absolutely nothing today. 我们今天真是一事无成。
B1 (用在通常不和 very 连用的形容词前或表示强烈感情的动词前,以加强语气)确实地;绝对地;极其
used for adding force to a strong adjective that is not usually used with "very" or to a verb expressing strong emotion
It's absolutely impossible to work with all this noise. 噪音这么大,根本没法工作。
The food was absolutely disgusting/delicious. 这食物实在是难以下咽/美味无比。
I absolutely loathe/adore jazz. 我对爵士乐讨厌得要死/喜欢得要命。
B2 (表示强烈赞同)一点不错,完全对
used as a strong way of saying "yes"
"It was an excellent film, though." "Absolutely!" “不过这部电影棒极了。”“完全同意!”
absolutely notC2 (表示强烈反对)当然不是,绝对不行
used as a strong way of saying "no"
"Are you too tired to continue?" "Absolutely not!" “你是不是太累了,无法继续下去了?”“当然不是!”
Do we need to be scared? Absolutely not!
Do most students feel this way? Absolutely not, in my experience.
Pay more for the same lacklustre service? Absolutely not!
Has being a woman hindered my career? Absolutely not.
  • The hotel we stayed in was absolutely superb.
  • That meeting achieved absolutely nothing - it was a complete waste of time.
  • My sister absolutely loves chocolate.
  • The decorations that the children had made were absolutely beautiful.
  • This case is absolutely full - I can't fit another thing into it.




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