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词汇 A, a
A, a
noun uk// us// As, A's or a's
[ C or U ](英语字母表的第一个字母)
the first letter of the English alphabet
[ C or U ]A音
a note in Western music
This concerto is in the key of A major. 这支协奏曲是 A 大调。
[ C or U ](学业成绩)A,优,甲
a mark in an exam or for a piece of work that shows that your work is considered excellent
Sophie got an A for English. 苏菲英语得了个 A。
She got straight As (= all her marks were As) in her final exams. 她期末考试各科成绩均为 A。
Jim is a straight-A student (= all his marks are A). 吉姆是个全优生。
from A to Bidiom 从一地到另一地
from one place to another
Using this software, a driver can now figure out the quickest route from A to B. 通过使用这种软件,司机现在可以找出两地间最便捷的路线。
from A to Zidiom 从头到尾彻底地完全
including everything
This book tells the story of her life from A to Z. 本书讲述了她的整个人生历程。
determiner weak /ə/ ukstrong // weak /ə/ usstrong // (also an)
A1 (个)(用于名词前,表示未曾提及的,尤其是非特指的人、事、物)
used before a noun to refer to a single thing or person that has not been mentioned before, especially when you are not referring to a particular thing or person
I've bought a car. 我买了辆汽车。
She's got a boyfriend. 她交了个男朋友。
There was a sudden loud noise. 突然发出一声巨响。
What a shame that you couldn't go to the party. 你不能去参加聚会,太遗憾了。
I heard a child crying. 我听见有个孩子在哭。
Is he a friend of yours (= one of your friends)? 他是你的朋友吗?
A1 (表示人或物的类型)
used to say what type of thing or person something or someone is
She wants to be a doctor when she grows up. 她长大了想当医生。
This is a very mild cheese. 这是一种很清淡的奶酪。
Experts think the painting may be a Picasso (= one done by Picasso). 专家们认为这幅画可能出自毕加索的手笔。
A1 (泛指所指类别中的任何一个)
used to mean any or every thing or person of the type you are referring to
Can you ride a bike? 你会骑自行车吗?
A cheetah can run faster than a lion. 猎豹能跑过狮子。
A teacher needs to have a lot of patience. 做老师需要很有耐心。
used before some uncountable nouns when you want to limit their meaning in some way, such as when describing them more completely or referring to one example of them
I only have a limited knowledge of Spanish. 我只懂一点西班牙语。
He has a great love of music. 他酷爱音乐。
There was a fierceness in her voice. 她的声音中透着股凶气。
A2 (用于某些行为名词前)一下一次
used before some nouns of action when referring to one example of the action
Take a look at this, Jez. 杰兹,看一下这个。
I'm just going to have a snack. 我正要去洗个澡。
There was a knocking at the door. 有人敲门。
A2 (尤指饮食的)一份
used when referring to a unit or container of something, especially something you eat or drink
I'd love a coffee. 我想来杯咖啡。
All I had for lunch was a yogurt. 午饭我只喝了一杯酸奶。
A2 (用于被视为一体的两个名词中的第一个词前)一副一套一组
used before the first but not the second of two nouns that are referred to as one unit
a cup and saucer 一副杯碟
a knife and fork 一副刀叉
A2 (用于某些表示数量的词前)
used before some words that express a number or amount
a few days 几天
a bit of wool 一点羊毛
a lot of money 很多钱
used in front of a person's name when referring to someone who you do not know
There's a Ms Evans to see you. 有位埃文斯女士找你。
used in front of someone's family name when they are a member of that family
Is that a Wilson over there? 那边那个人是威尔逊家的吗?
used before the name of a day or month to refer to one example of it
My birthday is on a Friday this year. 今年我的生日是个星期五。
It's been a very wet June. 今年6月一直都特别潮湿。
  • What is the usual pay for a job like this one?
  • Suddenly a dog ran out into the road in front of us.
  • The customer said she'd like this coat if it was a nicer colour.
  • Colin told a joke about a postman, but it wasn't very funny.
  • Shall I bring a bottle of wine with me?
a hundred 一百
a thousand 一千
a dozen 一打
There were three men and a woman. 有三位男士和一位女士。
A2 (用于分数和度量单位之间)
used between a fraction and a unit of measurement
half a mile 半英里
a quarter of a kilo 1/4公斤
three quarters of an hour 三刻钟
six tenths of a second 0.6秒
A2 (指某事在特定时间段内发生的频率)每一(个),一
used when saying how often something happens in a certain period
Take one tablet three times a day. 一日三次,每次一片。
I swim once a week. 我每星期游一次泳。
A2 (指特定时间段内的收入或费用)一,每
used when saying how much someone earns or how much something costs in a certain period
She earns $100,000 a year. 她一年挣10万美元。
My plumber charges £30 an hour. 管子工每小时收我30英镑的维修费。
I pay £25 a week for my parking permit. 我的停车证费用是每周25英镑。
written abbreviation for amp




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