

词汇 flutter
vt.1. (鸟)拍翅振翼
A white bird fluttered its wings on the grass.一只白色的小鸟在早地上拍打着翅膀。
2. 振翼而飞
The butterfly fluttered into the room.蝴蝶飞进房间里来了。
3. (翅膀)拍动4. 飘扬,飘动
The red flags on the city tower are fluttering in the wind.城中塔楼上的红旗在风中飘扬。
The flag fluttered in the wind.旗帜在风中飘扬。
5. 摆动,挥动
flutter handkerchief挥动手帕
6. 颤动
His heart fluttered with excitement as he was waiting for the reception by the leaders. (喻)他在等待领导人接见时激动得心怦怦直跳。
She fluttered her eyelids at him.她向他眨眼。
n.1. 拍动;摆动;飘动
There was a flutter of wings among the trees.树林里响起一阵飞鸟的拍翅声。
2. 不安;焦急
His arrival put the girls in a flutter.他的到来使她心绪不宁。
3. 小赌;投机
to have a flutter on the horses赌马
4. 图像跳动




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