

词汇 term
n.1. 学期
There are three terms in a school year.一学年有三个学期。
2. 期间,期限,特定的期间
a term of office任期
to get a term of seven years in prison被判7年徒刑
He was made captain of the football team for a term of one year.他被推选为足球队队长,任期一年。
3. 名词;术语
technical terms专门名词,术语
4. 〈数〉项
term value项值
5. (pl) 合同或协议书的条件、条款、细则
come to terms with与…达成协议
If you agree to my terms -- free meals and good wages — I will work for you.如果你同意我的条件,免费用餐并给高薪,我就为你工作。
in no uncertain terms毫不含糊地,直截了当地
in the long term从长远的观点看
in the short term从眼前的观点看
in terms of以…的观点;就…而说
on good terms好的关系
on bad terms坏的关系
on speaking terms友好的关系
on friendly terms友善的关系
on equal terms同等
His life may be termed happy.他的生活可称之为幸福。




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