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词汇 tell
vt., vi.told, telling1. 告诉;说;讲
Tell him from me that he must be at the meeting on time.请转告他,叫他务必按时到会。
The stranger pretended to offer to tell her fortune.陌生人假装要给她算个命。
Tell me what happened.告诉我发生了什么事。
2. 告诫;警告;提醒
I told you so.我早提醒过你。
I told you not to do it.我叫你不要做这个。
3. 显示;表明
This light tells you if the machine on.如果机器开着,灯光会显示出来。
4. 看出;晓得
It's impossible to tell who will win.无法预知谁能获胜。
5. (常与to连用)命令;指示
Tell him to wait.叫他等着。
6. 分辨;辨认;识别
I can't tell the twin girls apart.我分不清这两个双胞胎的女孩子。
He couldn't tell which house it was.他分不出是哪一栋房子。
7. 显出,露出;发生影响
Her nervousness began to tell as soon as she entered the room.她一走进房间就显得紧张起来。
8. (常与of, about连用)泄露(秘密)
all told总共;合计
tell the time看钟;报时
tell off1. 责备2. 分派;指派
tell on1. 产生坏的影响
Late nights are telling on your work.连续熬夜已经影响了你的工作。
(= tell upon)2. 说别人的坏话;告发别人




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