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词汇 die
die 1
vi.died, dying1. 死;死亡;逝世;辞世
to die of an illness因病死亡
Every winter some old people die from hypothermia.每年冬天都有些老人死于体温过低。
To die for the people is a glorious death!为人民而死,虽死犹荣。
The hermit's secret died with him. (喻)隐士的秘密随着他的死亡而消失了。
2. (常与of, from, with连用)中止;结束;消亡
The day is dying in the west.日薄西山。
My love for you will never die. (喻)我对你的爱将始终不渝。
3. (知识、想法等)淡忘,遗忘
die away逐渐停止,逐渐消失
The noize of the motorcar died away.摩托车的噪声消失了。
die back(植物)枝叶枯萎
die down逐渐减弱,逐渐模糊
After the excitement of the audience died down, the speaker restarted his speech.等听众激动的情绪平息后,演讲人又重新开始演讲。
die hard(旧习惯等)难改掉,难消失
Olds habits die hard.旧习难改。
die off相继死去
As the window was still middle-aged, her relatives all died off.这个寡妇还在中年时,她的亲属就先后离开了人世。
die out1. 逐渐消失2. 灭绝
die 2
n.1. 金属模子2. 螺丝模




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