

词汇 what
/wɔt; (US) hwɑt/
adj., pron.1. 什么;多少;什么人
What time will you come?你什么时候来?
Do you know what he called me?你知道他把我叫做什么吗?
When I asked him what he was doing, he smiled guiltily and then put the parcel on the desk.我问他正在做什么,他内疚地笑笑,然后把那个包放到书桌上。
'What has happened?' she asked.”出什么事了?“她问道。
What are you doing?你在做什么?
Most people know what a great scientist Edison became.大多数人都知道爱迪生后来成了一个多么伟大的科学家。
We all know what the poor man should have said.我们都知道那位可怜的人儿本来应该怎样说。
What the hell do you want?你到底要什么?
I asked him what it was and he told me that it was Medusa, the Gorgon.我问他那是什么,他告诉我那是蛇发女怪美杜莎。
They always tell you what a picture is 'about'.他们总是跟你讲某张画的'意思'是什么。
What's the good of having a computer / What good is having a computer if you can't use it!要是你不会使用计算机,有一台又有什么用?
What else did they say?他们还说了些什么?
‘I got up at half past 6. ’ ‘What?’“我六点半起床。”“什么?”
2. (表示关系)(所)…的
Everyone should do what he thinks right.每个人都应该做自己认为是正确的事。
I believed what she told me.我相信她和我说的话。
and what not…什么的;等等
give sb. what for处罚;责备
what have you…一类的东西;等等
In his pocket I found a handkerchief, string, and what have you.我在他的兜儿里找到手绢、线一类的东西。
what's what事情的真相
to know what's what明白事理
what it takes成功的必要条件
what though即使
What though the battle be lost? We can fight again!即使打了败仗又怎么样,我们还可以再打。
What cheer?你感到怎样?
What do you care about it?你怎么关心这个?
what with(表示起因)因…和…
What with all this work and so little sleep at nights, I don't think I can go on much longer.这些工作都要做,晚上睡得又少,我要顶不住了。
What a big house!多么大的房子!
What pretty flowers!多漂亮的花儿!
What awe weather!天气糟透了!
What divine weather!真是好天气!
What an exhausting day!真是筋疲力尽的一天!
What a mess!真是糟糕透了!




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