

词汇 flash
vt., vi.1. 闪光;闪烁
A driver is not supposed to flash his lights at the coming vehicles.司机不该朝着迎面开来的车辆闪灯。
His eyes flash with anger.他眼中冒出怒火。
Soldiers's bayonets flashed in the sunlight.士兵们的刺刀在阳光中闪闪发光。
2. 闪现;掠过
The idea flashed into his mind.这念头突然闪过他的脑海。
My mind flashed back to last Christmas.我立刻回想起去年圣诞节的情景。
3. 飞驰
The cars flashed past.汽车飞驰而过。
The days flashed by.光阴似箭。
4. 闪出
to flash a message on the screen屏幕上闪出一则消息
5. 露阴,暴露性器官
n.1. 闪光
flashes of lightning闪电
2. 一闪;一晃;一挥3. 急报;简短电讯4. 闪光灯照相;闪光灯
Did you use flash when you took these pictures?你拍这些照片时用闪光灯了吗?
5. 闪光操纵器
flash in the pan昙花一现
in a flash即刻;一瞬间
adj.1. 突然的;短暂的2. 现代的;吸引人的
a flash car现代新式车




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