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词汇 high
adj.1. 高的;高大的
a high mountain高山
The bird sang high and clearly in the tree.鸟儿在树上清脆地高歌。
The plane is high in the sky.那架飞机在高空飞行。
It's a very high office building with all essential modern facilities.这是一幢很高的办公大楼,现代设施一应俱全。
There's still a high incidence of malaria in the area.这一地区疟疾的患病率仍然很高。
2. 主要的;重要的
high office in the government政府中的要职
3. 高尚的;高级的
high principles崇高的原则
4. 高音调的;尖声的
She spoke in a high voice.她讲话的声音很尖。
5. 极大的;超乎寻常的;昂贵的
Their summer holiday at the seaside is the high spot of the year for the family.在海滨度过暑假是他们一家人今年中最难以忘怀的愉快时刻。
high prices高价
the high cost of food昂贵的食品费用开支
6. 全盛的(时期);最重要的(时刻)
high summer盛夏
7. 不新鲜的,开始变质的(食物)8. (常与on连用)酒醉了的;被麻醉品麻醉了的
hold one's head high不垂头丧气,在困境中表现出自尊与勇气
n.1. 高峰;高水准;最高纪录
The price reached a new high.价格涨到了新的最高纪录。
The price of stocks reached a new high yesterday.股票价格昨天达到前所未有的高峰。
2. 高潮3. 高气压;高气压圈
adv.1. 高
The eagle flies high.鹰飞得很高。
They climbed high up the tree.他们爬树爬得很高。
The plane flew high above.飞机在上空高高地飞行。
2. 高度;高地位
He's risen high in the world.他在世界上的地位很高。
high and dry(船)在岸上;孤立无援,被遗弃
He left me high and dry.他使我陷于困境。
The cruel man took all the money and left his own grandmother high and dry.这个残酷的人把所有的钱财都拿走了,撇下他自己的外祖母一人无依无靠。
high and low各处,到处
I looked / searched high and low for the necklace, but there was nowhere to find it.我到处寻找我的项链,可哪儿也找不着。
high and mighty趾高气扬;神气活现




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