

词汇 fill
vt., vi.1. (常与with连用)注满;装满
He filled the bucket with water.他把水桶装满水。
2. 填空;补缺;任职
George's the best person to fill this vacancy.乔治是填补这一空缺的最佳人选。
3. 补(牙)4. 满足需要
to fill a prescription按药方抓药
fill in1. 填充,填补
We'll have to find someone to fill in for Francis tonight as he's ill.弗朗西斯病了,我们得找个什么人今晚顶替他。
2. 填写
to fill in one's income tax form填写所得税申报表
Please fill in / out / up this form, giving your name, age, and address.请在这份表格上填上你的姓名、年龄和地址。
3. 提供信息
Please fill me in on what happened.请你告诉我发生的事。
4. 补缺;暂代
to fill in a emergency紧急时作为替代
fill out长胖
Her face is beginning to fill out.她的脸开始发胖。
fill up装满;填满:
He filled upthe bucket with water.他把水桶装满水。
We'd better first fill the car up with petrol at the petrol station.我们最好先到加油站去给汽车加满汽油。
They filled up with diesel at the petrol station on their way home.他们在回家的路上去加油站加满了柴油。




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