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词汇 wear
vt., vi.wore, worn, wearing1. 穿着; 佩戴;留蓄
Do we have to wear evening dress for the banquet?我们是不是必须穿晚礼服去参加宴会?
Last year in another play, she had to wear short socks and a bright, orange-coloured dress.去年演另一出戏时,弛不得不穿短袜和一条色彩鲜艳的橘红衣裙。
People had to wear formal evening dress to go to the Mayor's party.去参加市长举行的晚会,必须穿上晚礼服。
In those states, people wear light clothing during the summer, and they need heavy wool or fur clothing in the winter.这些州里的人在夏天穿淡色的衣服,但在冬天需要穿厚羊毛衫或毛皮大衣。
She wore a pretty dress.她穿了套漂亮的衣服。
2. 带着,表现出(某种样子)
She was wearing an innocent smile.她带着天真的笑容。
3. (常与away, down连用)磨损;消蚀;使疲惫不堪
The noise wore her nerves to shreds.吵闹声使她的神经受不了。
You've worn a hole in your sock.你把袜子磨了个洞。
4. (常与off, away连用)磨破;磨掉5. (常与out连用)用完,耗尽6. (与down连用)克服,制服7. (与well连用)维持(在某种状态)
Considering her age, she has worn well.以她的年纪来说,她看上去很年轻。
8. 答应;允许
I don't think father will wear it.我认为父亲不会答应。
9. (时间)消逝,拖延
The meeting wore on all afternoon.会议拖了整整一个下午。
n.1. (某种)衣服,穿戴
men's wear男服
holiday wear节日服装
2. 磨损
This mat has had a lot of wear.这个垫子磨损得很利害。
3. 耐用;经久
There's a lot of wear in these shoes.这双鞋很经穿。
the worse for wear被穿坏;被用坏
wear out1. 用坏,用破2. 疲乏,疲倦




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