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词汇 pass
pass 1
/pɑːs; (US) pæs/
vi., vt.1. (常与along, by, down, on连用)前进;进行
Because of the large crowd in the street the carriage was unable to pass.由于街上群众很多,车辆无法前进。
'Pass along the car, please!' Said the conductor.售票员说:“请往里走!”
2. 走过;超过;赶上
Please let me pass.请让我过去。
Their car passed ours.他们的车超过了我们的车。
3. 通过;穿过
The ship passed the channel.船驶过了海峡。
The road was so crowded that the car could not pass through easily.那条路十分拥挤,汽车难以通行。
4. (短时间内)移过,掠过
A cloud passed across the sun.一片云掠过了太阳。
5. 传递;被给与
The letter passed from one to another until everyone had read it.那封信逐一传阅,直到每个人都看过为止。
Please pass me that salt bottle!请把盐瓶递给我!
According to her will, when the old lady dies, her money will pass to her grandson.根据老太太的遗瞩,她去世时,她的钱将遗留给她的孙子。
6. (把球)传,递,打(给自己一方的队员)7. 排泄;通(大、小便);分泌
to pass water排尿
8. (时间)流逝;消磨(时间)
Spring passed quickly.春天很快就过去了。
Fifteen minutes passed and then, at five to twelve, the clock stopped.十五分钟过去了,而后,在12点差5分时,大钟停了。
How much time has passed since you came to this college?你来这所大学已经有多长时间了?
I passed the time by counting the cars that drove past the school.我用数驶过学校的小汽车来消磨时间。
How will you pass your Christmas holiday?你打算怎样度过圣诞假日?
9. 发生
Did you see what was passing?你看到发生什么事了吗?
What passed in the office in my absence?我不在的时候办公室里发生了什么事?
10. 通过;批准
pass a law通过法律
The opposition passed a vote of censure on the government.反对派通过了对政府的不信任投票。
11. 及格;通过(考试);合格
He passed (in examination).他(考试)及格了。
She passed her driving test not without difficulty.她好不容易才通过了驾驶考试。
12. (检查后)接受;被接受为;被认为
I can't pass this bad piece of work!我不能接受这件差劲的作品!
13. (思想、感情等的)终止,消失
The old customs are passing.旧习俗日渐消失。
14. 超过…的范围;超出
It passes my understanding how he can do so many things so well.我无法理解他怎么能把这么多的事做得那么好。
This new theory passes my comprehension.这个新理论非我所能理解。
15. 评判;提供意见;品评
The judgement passed against him.判决宣告他败诉。
The judges passed on each contestant.裁判员对每位参赛者加以品评。
Somebody's always passing rude remarks about me.有人一直在说我的坏话。
16. 被忽略;不加追究;不予注意地放过
He was rude, but let that pass.他很粗野,不过算了吧。
We connot pass the matter by in silence.对这件事我们不能保持沉默。
You'd better pass over his rude remarks in silence.你最好还是不要理睬他那些无礼的言话。
17. 转让;传
On his death, the farm will pass to his son.他一死,这农场就传给他儿子。
Please pass the word to your boss.请把这句话传给你的老板。
18. 放弃出牌(叫牌)机会
pass away去世;死 (= pass on, pass over)
pass by1. 漠视;不理会 (= pass over)2. 走过
A coach passed by just a moment ago.一辆大轿车刚开过去。
pass down传递 (= pass on)
These jewels have been passed down in our family from generation to generation for hundreds of years.这些珠宝在我们家代代相传已有好几百年的历史了。
pass for冒充;被当作
He passes for a doctor.他冒充医生。
He passes for a learned man.他被误认为是个有学问的人。
pass off1. 停止
The storm passed off.暴风雨停了。
2. 顺利举行
The meeting passed off well.会议开得很顺利。
3. 冒充;蒙骗
She passed herself off as an experienced actress.她冒充成有经验的女演员。
4. 躲开;避开
She passed off the question.她避开了这个问题。
pass on1. 传递;前进2. 传下来;传给(后代)3. 离去;往前
Let us now pass on to the next subject.现在让我们看看下一个题目。
pass out1. 失去知觉;昏过去2. 在军校毕业
pass over1. 去世;死亡2. 不注意;漠视;忽略3. 置之不理;不予考虑
Let us pass over his rude remarks in silence.对他那些无礼的话,我们置之不理。
pass up放弃;错过
Never pass up a chance to learn.永远不要放弃学习的机会。
Nobody should pass up a chance like that!任何人都不要错过那样一个机会!
n.1. (飞机等)一次掠过,一次飞过2. 传球动作3. (比赛中)手法4. 免费券;招待券;通行证
I showed my pass to the man at factory gate, and was allowed in.我向工厂门口那人出示了通行证,就让进去了。
5. 考试及格
In this class there were seven passes.这个班有七个人通过了(考试)。
6. (困难的)处境,境遇
pass 2




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