

词汇 same
adj.1. 同一的
We have lived in the same house for fifty years.我们50年来一直住在这栋房子里。
If your team lose the game ours will lose it too, so we're both in the same boat.如果你们队输了,我们队也就不会得胜了,所以我们两队处境相同。
You shouldn't always repeat the same old story!你不该总是重复那老一套!
We like them in the same way that we like pretty curtain material.我们喜欢它们一如喜欢美丽的窗帘料子。
2. 上述的; 相同的,一样的
Meet me at the same time tomorrow.明天的这个时间和我见面。
Your pen is the same as mine.你的钢笔和我的一样。
The two boys are about the same height.这两个男孩差不多高。
amount to the same thing结果相同; 意思一样
one and the same与那个完全一致,完全一样
I would do the same again.我愿意重做一次。
The same cannot be said about living on farms, however.然而,生活在农场上就不能这样说了。
adv.the same同样地,相同地




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