

词汇 height
n.1. 高
He is six feet in height.他身高六英尺。
2. 高度
at a height of ten feet above the ground高度离地10英尺
He measured the height of the bridge.他测量了桥的高度。
His height makes him stand out in the crowd.他这么高,使他在人群中显得很突出。
3. 高地;高岗;高处
from a great height从极高的地方
4. 顶点;极点;鼎盛时期
the height of summer盛夏
When he wrote this excellent novel, he was at the height of his powers as a writer.他写这部优秀小说时,正是他写作能力的全盛时期。
It's the height of stupidity to go out to sea in this bad weather.这样恶劣的天气出海真是愚蠢透顶。
The tide was at its height.潮水涨到最高点了。




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