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词汇 knock
vt., vi.1. 敲,击
Please knock on the door.请敲门。
Knock on the door before you enter.进屋之前要先敲门。
Yesterday a beggar knocked at my door.昨天一个乞丐来敲我的门。
2. 敲打;碰撞
I knocked over the glass and spit the water.我打翻了杯子,水洒了。
Sometimes I think this house will be knocked down by a passing plane.有时我觉得这房子会被过往的飞机撞塌。
As the man came near, the prisoner knocked him to the ground with a sharp blow.当这个人走近时,战俘猛地一拳将他打翻在地。
3. 批评;找岔子4. (机器出毛病) 发出爆击声5. 使震惊,震动
knock about1. 闲置
That's been knocking about the house for years.那东西在房子里已经闲置几年了。
2. 在场;活跃
She's been knocking about here for years.她在这儿待了好几年了。
3. 漫游;漂泊
He's knocked about Africa all his life.他在非洲漂泊一生。
4. 厮混5. 虐待
He knocks his wife about.他虐待妻子。
knock around= knock about
knock back1. 暴饮;大口喝掉2. 使花费
That car knocked her back $5000.那辆车她花了5000美元。
3. 使吃惊,使惊奇
The news knocked him back.这消息使他大吃一惊
knock down1. 拆毁,拆除(建筑、桥等)2. 撞倒 (= knock over)3. 降价出售
knock off1. 停止工作2. 偷,窃取3. 减价;减去
knock off ten per cent for cash付现金可减价百分之十
4. 匆匆做成;迅速完成
knock out1. 〈拳击〉击倒(对方)2. 使吃惊3. (药物)使昏迷4. 淘汰
Our team was knocked out early.我们队早被淘汰了
knock together匆匆做成,草草做成
knock up1. 匆匆做成,草草做成
to knock up a meal匆匆做好一顿饭
2. 挣钱;挣分
She knocked up 40 runs.她挣得40分。
3. 使疲倦
n.1. 敲击声
a knock at the door敲门声
2. 倒霉;麻烦事




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