

词汇 fast
fast 1
/fɑːst; (US) fæst/
adj.1. 快的;迅速的
He is a fast runner.他是跑得很快的运动员。
2. 紧的;牢固的;不褪色的
The colors aren't fast, so be careful when you wash this shirt.这些颜色易褪色,所以洗衬衫时要小心。
3. 感光快的(照相底片)4. 走得快的(钟表)
The clock is a minute fast.这钟快了一分钟。
I'm afraid my watch is fast.我的表快了。
5. 快速的
the fast lane of the motorway(英国)高速公路的快车道
make fast把…拴紧,把…关紧
Make the boat fast.把小船拴紧。
adv.1. 快;迅速地
to run fast快跑
These beautiful birds are fast disappearing.这些美丽的飞鸟正很快面临灭种。
The children are learning very fast.孩子们学得很快。
2. 紧;牢
He made the wire fast to the metal ring.他把这根铁丝紧系在金属圈上。
When they arrived there, they found that the church door was fast shut.他们到达教堂时发现教堂门紧闭着。
to stick fast牢牢粘住
The boat stuck fast in the mud.船被牢牢地阻在泥塘里。
fast 2
/fɑːst; (US) fæst/




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