词汇 | run |
释义 | run /rʌn/ vi., vt.ran, run, running1. 跑;奔He ran across the road.他跑过马路。 2. 参加赛跑3. 迅速移动;迅速行驶I'll run the car into town.我会把汽车迅速开进城里。 He ran his eyes down the list.他的眼睛迅速地在名单上扫了一下。 The car ran down the hill.汽车迅速驶下山岗。 4. (机器)转动,运转The engine runs well.发动机运转良好。 This machine is not running correctly.这台机器运转得不正常。 Most of motor vehicles run on petrol.大部分机动车的行驶以汽油作燃料。 5. (公共车辆)行驶The buses run every ten minutes.公共汽车每10分钟一班。 6. 流动The river has run dry.这条河已经干涸了。 7. 流出液体Your nose is running.你在流鼻涕。 The well has run dry.水井已干涸了。 8. 注满(洗澡水)9. 融化The butter will run if you put it near the fire.如果你把黄油放近火旁,就会融化。 10. 延伸;继续The road runs beside the river.这条路沿着河边延伸。 11. 拥有并驾驶(汽车)12. 用车运载13. 偷运;走私to run drugs偷运毒品 14. 控制,主持(团体、组织)run a school办一所学校 15. 有效The insurance runs for another month.保险有效期还有一个月。 16. (袜子因抽丝)出现梯形裂缝17. 叙说;是The story runs like this...故事是这样说的… be run off one's feet非常忙碌 run (a competitor) close紧逼;紧追 run for逃跑 run foul of与…撞在一起 run (sb.) off (sb.'s) feet使疲于奔命 run into the ground使精疲力尽 run the danger of冒…风险 run about1. 到处跑2. (孩子们)自由玩耍 run across偶然遇到 run after1. 追逐,追踪2. 追求(女性) run along走开,离开 run around1. 驾车到处游逛2. 有外遇 run away1. (常与from连用)逃走,逃脱2. 逃避,躲开 run away with1. 失去对…控制2. 轻易取胜3. 轻易接受4. 携…潜逃5. 与…私奔 run down1. (用车)撞倒2. 追寻;追获 to run down a criminal追缉一名罪犯 3. 诋毁4. (钟表、电池)失去动力5. 逐渐停止The coal industry is being run down.煤矿工业正逐步停产。 run in1. 试车;试转2. 逮捕 run into1. 碰撞2. 遇上,偶然遇到3. 陷于,碰上(困境、麻烦等) run off1. 让流出 run off water from the barrel从桶中放出水 2. 印出;复印3. 离开,溜走;私奔run on继续 run out(常与of连用)用光;耗尽 Though they are running out of food and drink, the men are cheerful and confident that they will get out soon.他们虽然已经水尽粮绝,但情绪都很好,并且深信他们很快就会出来的。 run out on遗弃;背弃 (= walk out on) run over1. (车辆)轧过,压过2. 流出,溢出3. 匆匆看过 run through1. 预演,排练2. 浏览,匆匆地看3. 穿过,贯穿4. 花光,挥霍掉5. 充满,布满,弥漫6. 用剑刺穿 run to1. 钱足够支付;有足够的钱购买2. 有…趋势 running to fat有发胖的趋势 3. (数量等)达…run up1. 升起(旗子)2. 匆匆制成3. 结欠 run up against碰上,遇到(困难等) n.1. 跑;奔 to go for a run去跑步 2. 短途旅行There are no stops on the run to the coast.在去海滨的路途中没有站。 3. 饲养动物的场地a rabbit run养兔场 4. 急切的要求a run on beer in hot weather天热非常想喝啤酒 5. 抛售6. 一连串a run of bad luck一连串恶运 7. (下坡运动的)斜道a ski-run滑雪斜道 8. (pl) 痢疾to have the runs得痢疾 a good run for one's money不白费力;不白花钱 a run on the bank纷纷向银行提款 in the long run最后 It'll be cheaper in the long run to use real leather.使用真正的皮革终究是比较便宜的。 in the short run近期内;不久 on the run逃走;躲藏;匆匆忙忙 the common run of普通类型的 the run of自由参观或使用 He gave them the run of his garden.他准许他们随便参观他的花园。 |
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