

词汇 just
adj.1. 公平的;公正的
a just punishment公正的惩罚
2. 应得的
a just reward应得的奖赏
You have received a just reward.你得到了应得的报酬。
It's just that you should be rewarded for your work.你因工作而得到报酬是很适当的。
3. 精确的
just weights精确的法码
adv.1. 刚才,方才
just after New Year新年刚过
They've just arrived.他们刚刚到达。
The bell just rang.铃刚响过。
2. 正好;恰好
It is his birthday; he is just ten years old.今天是他生日,他正好10岁。
That is just what I think.那正是我所想的。
It's just three o'clock.正好是三点钟。
She's clever, but her younger sister is just as clever.她很聪明,但她妹妹也一样聪明。
He came just as I was leaving.我正要走时他来了。
3. 刚刚
I can just reach the top shelf if I stand on my toes.如果我踮起脚尖的话,我刚刚能够着顶层的架子。
'I've just arrived by train,' she said.“我刚乘火车到这里,”她说道。
He has just bought an Australian car and has gone to Alice Springs, a small town in the centre of Australia.他刚买了一辆澳大利亚汽车,并且已经到澳大利亚中部一个叫艾利斯.斯普林斯的小城去了。
4. 刚好, 几乎不
You only just caught the train.你刚好赶上火车。
You have just missed the bus.你刚好错过公共汽车。
5. 十分;非常;简直
That's just beautiful!真是太美了!
6. 仅仅;只
Just a moment!请稍等一下。
Just the door squeaking, not a man.只是门在吱吱响,并没有人。
I rang up just to say hello.我打电话只是问候一下。
He's just a lad.他还只是个小青年。
just about几乎;正是…附近
I met him just about here.我就是在这附近遇到他的。
They had just about won the game when they had to stop playing.他们眼看就要赢得这场比赛,却不得不停下来了。
He's just about to leave.他刚要走。
Our team just about won the game - we finished only one goal ahead.我们队几乎输了这场比赛 - 终场时我们只领先一球。




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