

词汇 direct
/dɪˈrekt, daɪˈrekt/
adj.1. 直接的;笔直的;不弯曲的
a direct result直接后果
the direct rays of the sun太阳的直射光线
The spokesman never gave a direct answer to any question of the reporters.发言人对记者提出的问题从来不作直接的回答。
2. 直达的;直接到的
We flew direct from London to New York.我们直接从伦敦飞到纽约。
3. 率直的;耿直的;坦率的;直接了当的4. 恰好的;正好的
He's the direct opposite of his brother.他跟他弟弟正好相反。
vt., vi.1. 指示方向;指路
I directed the traveller to the hotel.我告诉了这个旅行者去旅馆的路。
Excuse me, can you direct me to the station?对不起,你能不能告诉我去火车站怎么走?
She directed her steps towards the end of the garden.她向花园的尽头走去。
2. 指导;指挥;管理;支配
It is universally accepted that one's thinking directs one's actions.思想指导行动,这是普遍公认的。
3. (与to连用)命令;指令
The officer directed his men to advance slowly.那军官命令部下缓慢前进。
The policeman directed the crowd to move back for safety.为了安全那个警察命令人群往后退。
4. (与to连用)书写地址;写寄发地址
Please direct the mail to my home address.我不在时请把邮件寄到我家里。
5. 注意力指向…;谈话针对…
Almost all the recent criticism from the mass media is directed at the ever increasing rate of unemployment.近来大众媒体的几乎所有批评都是针对越来越高的失业率。




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