

词汇 might
might 1
v.1. 否定句的缩写形式为 mightn't2. 也许;或许;可能
I said that it might rain.我说过可能会下雨。
3. 可以;允许
I asked him if I might leave.我问他可不可以离开。
4. 能够;会
I wrote down his telephone number, so that I might remember it.我写下他的电话号码,以便记住。
The prisoner had hopes that he might be set free.这个囚犯希望能获得释放。
5. 应该
You might write more frequently.你应该经常写信才是。
6. (用于间接引语)或许;可以
He told us that he might come, but he might not.他跟我们说可能来,但也可能不来。
might as well还是…的好;不妨
I might as well give the sweet course a miss.这道甜食我还是不吃了吧。
might 2
n.权力; 力量
He tried with all his might to open the door but it stayed shut.他用尽全身力气开门,可门还是关着。




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