

词汇 exactly
adv.1. 精确地;确切地
The train arrived at exactly 8 o'clock.火车八点整到达。
Tell me exactly where Mary lives.请确切告诉我玛丽住在那里。
2. 正好,刚好
It is exactly four o'clock, not one minute more nor one minute less.正好是四点,一分钟不多,一分钟也不少。
The doctor told him not to smoke, but he did exactly the opposite.医生劝他别抽烟,可他却反其道而行之。
At exactly that moment, the telephone rang.就在这时,电话铃响了。
3. 确实如此;正是
‘We need a drink.’ ‘Exactly! Let's have one.’“我们应该喝酒。”“说得对!让我们来喝一杯。”
Our new house is nice, exactly what we've always wanted.我们的新房子很漂亮,这正是我们一直所想望的。
'So you believe, Mayor, that the government must spend more on education?' 'Exactly!''市长先生,所以你认为政府应该在教育事业上投入更多的钱?''一点不错!'
A: Do you mean to say that the dean of the department will possibly consent? B: Not exactly.甲:你的意思是不是说系主任可能会同意的?乙:不完全如此。




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