

词汇 pace
pace 1
n.1. 速度
a fast pace快速
to go at a good pace以飞快的速度走
2. 一步;步幅
to make two paces走两步
The fence is only ten paces from the house.围墙离屋子只有十步远。
to take a pace forward向前迈一步
3. 步态;步法
The trot is a pace of the horse.快步”是马行的一种步态。
4. 一步之距
A policeman with plain clothes stood a dozen paces behind me watching me.一个穿便衣的警察站在我后面十几步远的地方,监视着我。
five paces from the wall距墙六步远
5. (马的)溜蹄
keep pace(常与with连用)跟上,与…同步;并驾齐驱
Are wages keeping pace with inflation?工资的提高能否与通货膨胀同步?
(= hold pace)
vi., vt.paced, pacing1. 慢慢地走;踱步
The lion paced the floor of its cage.狮子在笼里踱来踱去。
He paced the room.他在房间里踱来踱去。
2. (常与out连用)步测
to pace out a distance of 100 yards步测出100码的距离
pace 2




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