

词汇 job
n.1. 一件工作
He had the job of painting the boat.他有一件油漆小船的工作。
My mother does all the jobs about the house.我妈妈做家里所有的活儿。
2. 困难的事情
It was a job to talk with all that noise.在这么吵的情况下说话可真费劲。
3. 犯罪行为4. 职业;工作;职位
She has a good job in a bank.她在银行有份好工作。
What is your job?你的工作是什么?
The teacher's job is very important.教师的工作很重要。
5. 事,事情
a good job一件好事
a bad job一件坏事
He has gone, and a good job too!他走了,真是件大好事。
It's a good job you were here to help me.你在这儿帮我真是太好了。
I've got a job for you: wash these dishes.我要你做一件事把这些碟子洗一洗。
vt., vi.1. 做零工,做散工2. 代客户买(或卖)




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