

词汇 mess
n.1. 混乱;杂乱;肮脏
Your room is in a mess. Please tidy it.你的房间杂乱不堪,请把它打扫干净。
Your books and magazines are almost in a mess; go and put them in order.你的书和杂志简直是乱七八糟,去把它们整理一下。
2. 外表、行为或思想乱糟糟 的人3. 脏东西4. 麻烦5. 军队食堂
vt., vi.1. (常与up连用)弄脏,弄乱;弄糟
to mess one's new dress弄脏某人的新衣服
I've just cleaned the floor, and you've messed it up again by dropping bits of paper everywhere!我刚扫干净地板,你又把纸屑弄得到处都是,把地板搞脏。
The boy's clothes are all messed.这男孩的衣服都弄脏了。
2. (与with连用)惹麻烦
Stop messing with the spoon and finish your breakfast.不要把匙子弄来弄去,快把早饭吃了。
mess about1. 乱做;笨手笨脚地做;胡扯2. 乱忙;瞎忙
Stop messing about — finish your work.别瞎折腾了,把你的工作做完。
Don't mess me about; I just want the money you promised me.别对我这样不讲礼,我不过要来拿你答应给我的钱。
3. 粗鲁地对待(某人);忽视 (= mess around)




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