

词汇 jam
jam 1
vt., vi.-mm-1. (常与into连用)挤进;塞入
to jam various things into a suitcase把很多东西塞进衣箱
The crowds jammed the streets, and no cars could pass.街上挤满了人群,汽车都无法通行。
The bus was jammed full.公共汽车挤得满满的。
2. 夹住;夹伤
to jam one's finger in a door手指在门缝里夹伤
3. 使(机器)卡住;使阻塞
The door has jammed.门卡住了。
The road is jammed up with motorcars.路上汽车挤得水泄不通。
4. 干扰(电波信号)
The enemy's radio was jammed during the war.战争期间敌台被干扰。
5. (常与on连用)猛踩(或猛拉)刹车
When I saw the child crossing the road I jammed on my brakes.当我看到孩子正过马路,我猛踩刹车。
He jammed on the brakes to see if they worked.他猛地刹车看看刹车灵不灵。
6. (常与in连用)堵塞
a traffic jam交通堵塞
in a jam陷入困境
I'm in a bit of a jam — I haven't got enough money to pay for this meal.我有点儿小麻烦,我的钱不够付餐费的了。
jam 2
a jar of jam一瓶果酱




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