

词汇 right
adj.1. 公正的;正直的2. 正确的;真正的
a right answer正确的答案
She was right! It was upside-down!她说得对!是挂倒了!
3. 右边的;右方的
right bank右岸(顺流而下时的右岸)
4. 靠右的;向右的
a right turn向右转
Right - dress!向右看──齐!
5. 右派的
adv.1. 直接地
Look me right in the eye.正视着我。
The stream then flowed right under their tent!然后这条小溪正好从他们的帐篷下面流过。
2. 对;正确地
guess right猜对
I did all my sums right.我把算术题全部算对了。
3. 一直地;照直地
go right back to the beginning一直回到开头的地方
I read right to the end of the book.我一口气把这本书看完了。
4. 是的;没错
Right! I'll do it.是的,我会做的。
5. 靠右地;向右地
Turn right at the corner.在拐角处向右转。
n.1. 正义;公正2. 权利
the right to vote投票权
in one's own right依照自己的权利
We must work for equal rights for everyone.我们必须为每个人争取同等的权利。
3. 认股权4. 右边;右方
Keep to the right!靠右!
The school is on the left of the road, and his house is on the right.学校在马路的左边,他家在(马路的)右边。
5. 右派
by rights按理;照理说
in the right有理
put to rights修正;整顿
This medicine will soon put you to rights.这药很快就能使你复原。
(= set to rights)
the rights and wrongs of真相
The cat righted itself during the fall, and landed on its feet.猫掉下时摆正身子,然后四爪着地。




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