

词汇 enjoy
vt.enjoyed, enjoying1. 喜爱;欣赏
I enjoy my job.我喜爱我的工作。
Some elder people enjoy Beijing opera immensely.有些上了年纪的人非常喜爱京剧。
The twin brothers always enjoy going to the concert.这一对双胞胎弟兄俩对听音乐会总是兴致勃勃。
The audience enjoyed the play very much and time and again clapped loudly.观众们很欣赏这出戏,不时地报以雷鸣般的掌声。
The students enjoyed the speaker so much that the clapping continued for a long time.同学们非常欣赏那位讲演者的演讲,掌声经久不息。
2. 享有,享受
enjoy very good health有健康的身体
The president has always enjoyed very good health.董事长的身体一直非常健康。
With a car he can enjoy his leisure to the full by making trips to the country or seaside on the weekends.有了小汽车,就可以在周末到乡村或海边度假充分享受空闲时间。
I did not enjoy it.我却颇为扫兴。
enjoy oneself过得快乐
Did you enjoy yourself of the party?你在宴会上愉快吗?
One can't enjoy oneself if one / he is too tired.一个人如果太疲倦,就不能尽情享受。
She enjoyed herself making the assistant bring almost everything in the window before finally buying the dress she had first asked for.她开心地迫使这位售货员几乎把橱窗内所有的东西都拿出来看看,最后才买下她最初要看的那件衣服。




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