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词汇 open
adj.1. 开着的
She's not asleep; her eyes are open.她没睡着,她的眼睛是睁着的。
2. 开阔的;空旷的
open fields空旷的田野
Open spaces give the suburbs an edge over the city.宽阔空旷是郊区胜过城市之处。
3. 不冻的;畅通的
The lake is open.这个湖是不冻的。
4. 敞开的;露天的
an open car敞篷车
There is an open market in the village.村里有一个露天市场。
5. 宽松的
an open shirt宽松的衫衣
6. 尚无定论的;未 解决的
an open question尚未解决的问题
The match seems to be an open one.这场比赛看来胜负未定。
7. 开通的,开明的
an open mind豁达的心胸;虚心
8. 空缺的
The job is still open.这工作仍无人做。
The job is still open.这个职位还空着。
9. 公开的;公然的;不隐瞒的
an open secret公开的秘密
10. 坦诚的;直率的
Let's be open with each other.让我们彼此坦诚相见吧。
Let's be open with each other.让我们坦诚相见吧。
11. 正在营业的
The bank isn't open yet.银行还未开门(营业)。
More and more shops on the main street downtown keep open beyond midnight.市中心主要街道上越来越多的商店营业到半夜以后。
12. 可使用的
She kept her bank account open.她的银行帐户随时可以使用。
13. 公开的;公共的
an open competition公开赛;公开的竞争
14. 铺开的,展开的; 开放的
The exhibition is open on weekends.展览会每逢周末开放。
The flowers are open.鲜花怒放。
The town gardens must be open to the public free of charge.城里的花园应该对公众免费开放。
The river is open in spring.这条河春季里能航行。
15. 未划线的(支票)
vt., vi.1. 开;张开;开出
Open your eyes.睁开你的眼睛。
The wound opened under the strain and blood oozed out.伤口崩开了,血流了出来。
The harbour lights opened in the distance.在远处港口的灯光看得见了。
2. 打开;翻开
This experience opened a new prospect to his mind.这一经验为他的思想开拓了新的境界。
Open your book at Page twenty-one.把书翻到第二十一页。
He opened a can of beer and drank it.他打开了一罐啤酒,把它喝了。
3. (常与into, on to连用)通向,朝向
opened on to a patio朝向院子的
The meeting-room opens into a corridor.会议室通走廊。
The front door of the house opens on the street.这幢房子的前门通大街。
4. (常与with连用)开始;(使)展开
They did not open on the subject at the top conference.在这次高级会议上他们没有谈及那个问题。
The minister opened upon the fiscal question.部长开始谈起财政问题。
The programme opened with the chorus of the old artists.节目以老艺术家们的合唱开始。
5. (使)开幕;(使)开业
to open a new hospital(新)医院开张营业
The shops usually open at nine o'clock.商店一般在九点钟开始营业。
6. 开通;发展
The new road will soon be opened to traffic.这条新马路不久就可通车。
A few big companies have opened offices abroad in order to circumvent our tax laws.一些大公司在国外设立办事处,以躲避我国的税法。
Special zones for developing high and new advanced technology have been opened up in places where conditions permit.在条件许可的地方都开辟了发展高新技术的特区。
His understanding opened with the years.随着年龄的增长他的理解力也发展了。
open fire开火
open out1. 变宽,变宽大2. 畅谈;直言3. 发展成熟
open up1. 打开,解开;打开锁2. 开业,开始营业3. 自由无拘束地交谈4. 开枪,开火
in(to) the open公开,揭开(秘密等)




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