

词汇 glance
/ɡlɑːns; (US) ɡlæns/
vi., vt.glanced, glancing1. (常与down, up, over连用)看一下;一瞥;扫视
to glance at one's watch看一下表
She glanced along the road to see if he was coming.她沿路扫视着,看他是否要来了。
He glanced at his watch and then looked at the sky.他看了看手表,然后又看了看天空。
The Personnel Manager glanced down the list of names of the applicants.人事部经理浏览了一下申请人名单。
2. (常与over连用)闪光;闪耀
Their helmets glanced in the sun.他们的头盔在阳光下闪耀。
3. (与off连用)擦过;掠过
A bullet glanced off the captain's helmet.一颗子弹擦过上尉的钢盔。
glance one's eye at匆匆地阅读;浏览
n.1. 一瞥;眼光
I gave her a glance.我看了她一眼。
He saw at a glance that she was coming.他一眼就看到她来了。
2. 闪光3. 滑过;掠过
A sudden glance of the sword cut his shoulder.剑突然擦过,伤了他的肩头。
at a glance看一眼;马上




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