

词汇 better
better 1
adj.good 的比较级)更好的,较佳的
You're a better man than I am.你比我好。
Well, nothing is better than that.呵,那再好不过了。
Better late than never.(谚)迟做总比不做好。
The better I know him, the more respect do I have for him.我越是了解他,就越尊敬他。
be better than one's word做的多于所许诺的
a better part of过半
I haven't seen my tutor for the better part of a month!我已经大半个月没见到导师了!
adj.well 的比较级)痊愈的
She'll be much better soon.她会很快康复的。
adv.well 的比较级)较好;更多;更好
This pair of shoes fit(s) you better.这双鞋子对你更合适。
She knows the story better than I.那件事她知道得比我更清楚。
You look better in blue.看来你穿蓝色的衣服更好。
had better最好;应该
We'd better not invite him.我们最好不要邀请他。
You'd better stay at hospital for another few days.你最好在医院再住几天。
Better have the operation right now.你最好还是现在就动手术。
You'd better be there.你最好在那里。
You had better set off at once.你还是马上动身的好。
n.1. 更好的人(或物)
the better of the two两者中的更好者
2. 更有经验的人
try to better last year's record尽量超过去年的记录
The working conditions for the intelectuals have bettered a great deal.知识分子的工作条件已经得到了很大改善。
better oneself自求上进;赚更多的钱
better 2
n.打赌的人 (亦作: bettor)




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