

词汇 eat
vt., vi.ate, eaten, eating1. 吃,喝
Have you eaten your breakfast yet?你吃过早饭了吗?
Eat away, children, there's enough time yet.孩子们,继续吃吧,时间还早。
You cannot eat your cake and have it.两者不可兼得。
These biscuits eat crisp.这种并干吃上去松脆。
2. 习惯吃
Tigers eat meat.老虎吃肉。
3. 吃饭
What time do we eat?我们什么时候吃饭?
4. (与away, at, into连用)侵蚀,蛀蚀,腐蚀
Acids eat into metals.酸会腐蚀金属。
We must allow no political germs to eat into our healthy organisms.我们决不让任何政治的微生物侵蚀我们的健全的肌体。
be eaten up with沉湎于
eat one's words收回前言;认错
eat into用掉一部分
Our holiday has eaten into our savings.休假用掉了我们一部分积蓄。
Our holiday travel has eaten into the money we saved.我们的假日旅游耗费了我们积蓄起来的钱。
eat up1. 吃光,用尽
Eat up the fried cake before it gets cold.把这块煎并吃掉,别让它冷了。
2. 浪费掉,挥霍掉
A big luxury car eats up money. (喻)一辆豪华大轿车很费钱。




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