

词汇 one
adj., n.1. 一;一个
one thousand一千(= a thousand 或 1000)
one liter of wine 一公升酒 (= a liter of wine)
About one-fifth of the freshmen reported that they had been brought up in small towns.大约有五分之一的一年级生是在小城镇长大的。
2. (与of连用)其中一个
one of my friends我的一个朋友
One of them went North, and the other went South.他们一个往北走,一个向南走。
One or other of us will go there.我们中间总要去一个人。
3. 某一个
one Sunday一个星期日
Come and have a cup of coffee one evening.请你随便哪个晚上过来喝杯咖啡。
4. 某一…,有一…
One day he will be sorry.有一天他会悔恨的。
One day we'll get ourselves a new bigger house.总有一天我们会买一幢更大些的住宅。
You'll come to realize it one day.你总有一天会懂得这一点的。
5. 同一的;一致的
of one mind意见一致
I'm one with you on this subject.在这个问题上我同你看法一致。
6. 唯一的
My one and only hope.我的唯一希望。
I'm afraid she's the one person who can do it.恐怕她是唯一能胜任这件事的人了。
7. 这一例;这一类型
He can't tell one tree from another.他不能说出这一类型的树和另一类的区别。
a one大胆有趣的人
Oh, you are a one!噢,你真大胆!
a right one蠢人;傻子
be one up (on sb.)(比某人)略胜一筹
one and the same同一
pron.1. 某个人;某物
I haven't a book; can you lend me one?我没有书,你能借我一本吗?
I heard the news from one Smith.我从一个叫史密斯的人那儿听到了这个消息。
2. 任何人
One should do one's duty.人人应该尽责。




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