

词汇 anything
pron.1. 东西;任何事物
Is there anything in that box?在那盒子里有什么东西吗?
He will do anything for a rich life.为了过上富裕的日子他什么都愿意干。/他千方百计要过富裕的生活。
It isn't anything like as hot as it was yesterday.今天完全不象昨天那么热。
2. 无论什么
Anything will do to keep the door open.随便什么东西都能把门弄开。
3. 任何重要事情;任何严重的事情
Don't' worry: it isn't anything.别担心,没有什么大事。
That little boat is anything but safe.那只小船一点也不安全。
anything but绝不;并不
I will do anything but go there.我决不到那里去。
That's anything but true.那决不是真的。
as ... as anything非常
as easy as anything非常容易
as fast as anything非常快
if anything如果有什么不同的话
like anything(用于强调动作)极,非常
He works like anything.他工作非常努力。
or anything(表示还有其他可能性)
If she wants to call me or anything, I'll be here all day.如果她要找我或有其他什么事,我整天都在这儿。
anything else还有什么要说/做的吗?
Anything else I can do for you?我还能为你做些别的事吗?
Is it anything like mine?有一点像我吗?




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