

词汇 sharp
adj.1. 锐利的, 锋利的,尖的
a sharp knife锋利的小刀
a needle with a sharp point针头尖利的针
2. 思维敏捷的;目光敏锐的; 听觉灵敏的
sharp eyes灵敏的眼睛
The famous writer is still sharp in thought though he has attained the age of ninety-two.这位著名作家虽已九十二岁高龄,但仍然思维敏捷。
3. 有棱角的;不圆的
a sharp nose尖鼻子
4. 突然的;急剧的;强烈的
a sharp turn to the left向左急转
Recently there has been a sharp decline in interest in gardening throughout the town.最近全镇对园艺的兴趣已急剧下降。
5. 清晰 的;明确的;清楚的
a sharp out line明晰的轮廓
6. 剧烈的,突发的(病)7. 苛刻的,尖刻的(言词)
He said sth. sharp to the little girl.他对这个小女孩说了些尖刻的话。
8. 狡猾的;精明的
This sale sounds like sharp practice.这桩买卖好像是个骗局。
9. 〈音〉升半音
adv.1. 准时地;整
at seven o'clock sharp七点整
2. 突然地,急剧地
turn sharp to the left猛然向左转
3. 高音的,音调过高的
She sang sharp.她唱得音调过高。
look sharp注意;小心;赶快




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