

词汇 near
adv., prep.(常与to连用)近地,不远地;近,接近
the near future不远的将来
The Nelsons are hoping to settle in Australia in the near future / in the not too distant future.尼尔森一家正希望在短期内定居澳大利亚。
She knew she was near the shore because the light was high up on the cliffs.她知道已接近海岸了,因为灯是高挂在悬崖上的。
a house near the station靠近车站的房子
My aunt lives quite near.我姑姑住得相当近。
adj.1. 亲密的;近亲的
Only near relatives were invited to the wedding.只有近亲被邀请参加婚礼。
He is my near friend.他是我亲密的朋友。
2. 左边的,左侧的;邻近的,接近的
the near front wheel of a car汽车的左前轮
the pony's near foreleg小马的左(前)腿
the near bank of the river较近的河岸
vt., vi.靠近,接近,走近




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