

词汇 up
adv.1. 向高处,向上
The little boy picked up a stone and bunged it over the fence into the courtyard of his neighbour.小男孩捡起一块石子扔过栅栏抛到他邻居的院子里。
Hands up!举起手来!
2. 在上方,在高处3. 站在;坐在;站起
Stand up so that I can see how tall you are.你站起来好让我能看看你有多高。
4. 离开表面
The dog jumped up.狗跳了起来。
5. 从下面到表面
to come up for air气泡冒出水面
6. 完毕
The money's all used up.钱都花光了。
The boy ate up all his dinner.这个男孩吃光了所有的饭菜。
7. 分成小部分
to tear up the newspaper把报纸撕碎
8. 吐出9. 在北方;向北方10. 到重要地区;到城市
up to London到伦敦去
11. 到较高的地点12. 到说话人这边来
up to me到我这边来
13. 捆好;盖紧;拧好
to tie up捆好
to nail up the door把门钉好
14. (价格、质量)上涨,提高
The price is going up.价格上涨。
15. (使活动)增强
Please turn the radio up.请把收音机声音开大 一些。
16. 集合起来
Add up the figures.把这些数字加起来。
17. 达到更佳的状态
Cheer up, old boy!振作起来,好朋友!
come up in the world崭露头角
18. 朝上
He turned up his collar.他把领子翻起来。
Up (with)…起来;…上来
Up the workers!工人们起来!
prep.1. 到高处;在高处
He climbed up the hill.他爬上山。
The boy climbed up the tree.这个男孩爬上树。
The village is high up in the hills.这个村庄在小山高处。
2. 溯(流)
to go up river沿河而上
up and down来回;上下
His eyes moved up and down the rows.他的眼睛对着一排排人转来转去。
Window cleaners are pulled up and down tall buidings on cradles.高层建筑的擦窗工人在工作平台上被吊上吊下。
Up yours!去你的!
adj.1. 在上面的,在高处的
Now he has realized that he's already up to his ears in debt.现在他认识到他已经债台高筑。
The boss is up to the eyes in work.老板的工作忙得不可开交。
high up in the mountains在山的高处
2. 起床的
to get up起床
no one is up没有人起床
3. 上行的;向上的
the up train上行的列车
the up stairs上楼的楼梯
4. 在更高的水平上的
The temperature is up today.今天气温上升了。
5. 终结的;完了的
Time's up.时间到了。
6. 路面破损的,正在整修中的(道路)7. 被控告的
had up for stealing被控偷窃
be up发生;出事
be well up in对…知道得很多;很熟悉 (= be well up on)
not up〈网球〉在地上反弹了一次以上才被击中的
up for打算;准备
The house is up for sale.房子准备出售。
vi., vt.-pp-1. 提高;抬高;增加
to up the price of petrol提高石油价格
2. 突然站起;突然跳起
She upped and left.她突然起身走了。
be up to做(坏事)
What in the world are you up to?你到底在搞什么鬼?
(= get up to)
up to1. (数目)到…之多
up to 100 men可达一百人
2. 直到(某个高级职务)
Everyone works, from the lift boy up to the President.从电梯工人到总经理人人都工作。
3. 一直到 (= up till)
Up to now, Mr scott has sent a great many requests for spare parts and other urgent messages from one garage to the other.到目前为止,斯科特先生从一个汽车修理部向另一个汽车修理部发送了大量索取备件的信件和其他紧急函件。
4. 胜任
Michael's not really up to that job.迈克尔确实不胜任那项工作。
up to date1. 现代的;最新的
It was a modern factory - everything was really up to date.这是一个现代化的工厂──一切都是最新式的。
I like wearing up-to-date clothes.我喜欢穿时新的衣服。
I keep up to date with the news by listening to radio.我通过听收音机了解最新消息。
2. 包括最新资料的




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