

词汇 ease
n.1. 舒适;悠闲
a life of ease舒适的生活
2. 容易,不费力
to jump over with ease很容易跳过去
He passed the examination with ease.她轻松地通过了考试。
He writes with ease.他笔墨流畅。
ill at ease不安;心神不宁
(stand) at ease稍息
vt., vi.eased, easing1. 减轻(痛苦、负担)
The medicine eased the pain.这种药镇疼。
The doctor gave him some painkillers to ease the pain.医生给了他一些止疼片以减缓疼痛。
Take this drug; it will ease your pain.把这药吃下去,它会帮你镇痛。
2. (与off, up连用)减轻;缓和
The pain has eased off.疼痛已减轻。
The relationship between the two countries has eased since the beginning of the talks on the border conflicts.自从开始边界争端的谈判以来,两国关系已趋缓和。
3. 使舒适4. 放松
It's time for your father to ease up on his work a bit; he's getting old.你父亲年事渐高,该对工作放松一点了。
5. 小心搬动
I eased the drawer open with a knife.我用刀子小心地把抽屉撬开。
The workers eased the refrigerator into place.工人们小心地把冰箱移放好。




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