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词汇 ear
ear 1
n.1. 耳朵
She has got an ear infection.她的耳朵感染了。
The boy always shouts in the old lady's ear, because she is a little deaf.男孩总对着老太太的耳朵大声叫喊,因为她有点聋。
2. 听觉
She has sharp ears.她听觉很好。
3. 倾听;注意
He tried to give a sympathetic ear to the patient.他极力怀着同情心倾听患者的叙述。
4. 听得懂;会欣赏
She has a good ear for music.她很会欣赏音乐。
5. 耳状物;把手
be all ears专心倾听
Tell me your experience, I'm all ears.请告诉我你的经历,我将洗耳恭听。
go in one ear and out the other当作耳旁风;左耳进右耳出
The teacher keeps telling the pupils to work harder but her words go in one ear and out the other.老师一再告诫学生们更努力地学习,可她的话被当成了耳旁风。
play by ear不用乐谱(演奏或演唱)
He had no time to prepare for the party, so he had to play by ear.他没有时间为这次聚会做准备,只好凭记忆演奏了。
up to one's ears in深陷于;忙碌于
He is up to his ears in trouble at the moment.此刻他正陷入一些麻烦中。
ear 2
an ear of corn一穗谷子




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